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Letter to the Editor: Reader lists some benefits provided by our government

Recently I heard this complaint: What does the government do for us? Let me count the ways, starting with money.

Only the federal government has the right to print money. This “government” money shows up in many forms.

Some of us receive Social Security benefits, and some get Medicare and Medicaid assistance – all government programs.

Many of us get cash at ATMs, and some of us even save money at banks – both insured by FDIC, a government program.

Some invest in U.S. Treasury bonds, and some get farm subsidies. Both are supported by the government.

Some get public assistance through WIC and food stamps, and some get federal loans to start a small business. These, too, are government programs.

Those who get a paycheck have realized a 2% increase in take-home pay – thanks to the government reduction for 2011 of Social Security taxes by the same percentage.

Some families get federal education loans or government Pell grants for their college-bound youth.

Some of us get refunds from Uncle Sam (the IRS) due to tax credits or overpayment of taxes.

And this just barely scratches the surface of what we do for each other. You see, WE are the government. The government is not Washington, DC. It is not Olympia. It is not the county seat. The government is “WE the People.”

We have decided as a nation to help each other out. The items listed above are just some of the ways we have done this.

Duane Pitts



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