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Advice from a small town girl

It was the best Thanksgiving ever

There’s nothing like a little validation to make you feel good.

I felt really good last Thursday, when one of the guests at the community Thanksgiving dinner turned to me and said, "This is the best Thanksgiving ever!"

That’s what I was hoping for.

We had approximately 50 people come to dinner. Most brought food to contribute to the meal. But everyone brought something.

A sense of community.

The turkeys turned out well (if I do say so myself.)

A communication error on my part resulted in LOTS of potatoes. I take full responsibility and offer my sincere apologies to anyone who might have been offended.

The dressing was dandy, the salads were delicious, and there were way too many pies.


Even though I didn’t manage to stay until the very end of the day, due to a rotten cold, I hear that the visiting and game-playing went on until after dark.

That’s also what I was hoping for.

I have a great many thank-yous to offer, though, because I can’t take credit for the success of the celebration.

Credit belongs to the town of Odessa, which ensured that Old Town Hall was nice and clean. It also belongs to Karen Brooks and Kathy Ratkowski, who put in additional cleaning time in bathrooms and kitchen.

Credit goes to the Primetimers, who offered to provide dressing and gravy for everyone.

Credit goes to the Odessa Masonic Lodge and the Odessa Food Bank for providing the turkeys.

Credit goes to Kathy and Steve Ratkowski, for setting up the tables in advance, helping to make the space friendlier and easier to maneuver in.

Credit goes to Marilyn and Tammy Carlsen, who arrived early and pitched in to get everything ready, and who washed lots of dishes.

Credit goes to everyone who participated, whether they just ate and ran or whether they made a day out of it. Please don’t be offended if I didn’t list you. I honestly meant to.

Credit goes to my wonderful husband, who made sure I didn’t totally overdo it.

Credit goes to LoriLynn White, who brought a box of games. I forgot mine.

After dinner, I saw groups playing pinochle, dominoes, Skip-Bo and Yahtzee. Some folks just visited. Some folks just digested.

Some folks had more pie.

It was fun.

We’re doing it again next year.

Because it was the best Thanksgiving ever.


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