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Auxiliary rummage sale in need of donations by Feb. 1

Odessa Memorial Hospital Auxiliary will hold their Annual White Elephant, Rummage and Bake Sale, Friday, February 1, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Atrium at Odessa Memorial Hospital at Fourth Street and Amende Drive.

Proceeds will benefit the activity department at the hospital. Department personnel hope to raise enough funds to purchase more folding chairs for seating during family potlucks and activities, plus a laptop or notepad/tablet with Skype capability for residents whose families live far away, so that they are able to talk with and see family members.

Donations of clean household items in good condition, knickknacks, bric-a-brac, furniture and small appliances may be brought to the hospital atrium on Thursday, January 31. Auxiliary members and friends will price the items and have them ready for sale Friday morning. Donations of baked goods will also be accepted.


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