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Letter to the Editor: Reader objects to continued "right-wing letter pollution"

Regarding Gerald Ray’s recent letter to the editor, it’s obvious to me that he has been watching way too much Fox News – you know, the channel where rich people pay rich people to tell middle-class people to blame poor people. I suggest he check out http://www.inthese and search for “The GOP’s One Trillion Dollar Lie – How a Right-Wing Whopper About The Cost of Welfare Was Born.” He will then find that the reality expressed mathematically is: Total Spending on Welfare/Those Who Receive Benefits = $24.77 per day. This is a far cry from $168 per day.

Speaking of letters to the editor, the Spokesman Review has a wonderful policy of one letter per writer per every thirty days. I would love to see the Odessa Record adopt this policy, too. I for one am tired of Mr. Ray’s right-wing diatribes polluting The Record week after week.

Rita Fuller



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