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Harrington News

HOHS/town's present and future construction

Monday evening, April 7, the Harrington Opera House Society met for their monthly meeting, which was opened by President Mark Stedman. Those attending included Linda Wagner, Ed and Bunny Haugan, Sheryl Stedman, Billie and Gordon Herron, Karen Robertson, Marge Womach, Rick Smith, Jen Mallery, Bonnie Hardy and her son Stephen and Becky Hardy via Skype.

The building committee chair, Gordon Herron, summarized the discussions from that committee's meeting. Two lists were generated, the first, a list of all projects that currently have funds on hand to complete. These need to be done before the next round of grant requests can be started. The second list was of future projects to be considered after the first list is completed.

It has been determined that the auditorium brick walls on the east and south seem to be too soft to allow wallboard to be attached. Plastering to finish those two walls is one option under consideration. The curtains from Eastern Washington University for the stage require a structure in the ceiling for them to be hung from, and a design and parts list is being developed.

The sidewalk remodel is ready to begin, although discussions continue on the amount of the bid. Demolition could begin at any time, weather permitting. Concern for the safety and appearance of the area for Spring Festival was also a concern. The piano donated by Warren Swenson which has been stored in the old drugstore building will be moved into the art/music room soon.

Arrangements were discussed for the Spring Festival, among which were the bus planned to bring the group from Corbine Sr. Center. Stedmans acknowledged they would not be available to assist with the festival.

Other topics of discussion included the May 7 Lions Club dinner, potential entertainment for the fall season, comments regarding the positive reception to the Horse Crazy Cowgirls, necessary changes for the management of the website, and future projects for the continuing rehabilitation of the opera house structure, including making water available upstairs, a handrail for the old stairway and emergency lighting throughout the building.

Harrington City Council

Wednesday evening, 7:30 at city hall, the city council met with two members absent. Mayor Paul Gilliland began by welcoming the visitors which included Allan Barth, Josh Stewart (President of PDA), Alan Gay, Sharon Schultz, Paul Charlton, Marge Womach and Ashley Schenk. Council members present were Peter Davenport, Rick Becker and Levi Schenk. Bunny Haugan recorded the minutes of the meeting and Scot McGowan was present as well. Mark Stedman, President of the Opera House Society, came to the council to inform them that the Harrington Opera House Society is preparing to begin work on the sidewalk south of the opera house, following the design by Sue Madsen. It will have an ADA slope. There will be only one entry to the basement on the south side, rather than the two that are there currently. Stedman made a request for additional gravel from the city for the gap between the street level and the edge of the sidewalk.

Alan Gay, USKH, discussed the water treatment plant and the winter high water level. He spoke regarding a $30,000 planning grant that is a competitive grant, that initially was allocated through Congress. Alan proposed doing a study on the system, the sump pumps and previous records of flow data, showing spikes in amount, rainfall and other factors influencing the water levels.

The city photocopier is malfunctioning and parts are not available. The mayor has investigated potential replacements and found that a copy machine with a five year lease would serve the city best. Motion to do so was made and passed.

Discussion was held regarding the changes in the web page and it was decided to pay Karen Robertson to keep the web page going, the amount would be shared between the city and the chamber.

Considerable discussion was made regarding the damages of the street near the steel elevator. The turns made by heavy trucks when thawing occurs are the larger damages, however, some damages occurred during harvest. Weight restrictions were considered, but no motion was made. Street signs are also a problem with some having been damaged by accidents, some were removed during construction, and some had been vandalized. Mayor Gilliland instructed Scott McGowan to find the signs that were available and get them in place, and then determine which other signs needed to be replaced.

Harrington PDA President Josh Stewart introduced Allan Barth with a letter applying for a position on the PDA board. Cassandra Paffle-Dick had resigned from the board and Allan Barth, owner of the Studebaker Garage, will finish her term, ending in 2016, at which time he may appeal to be reinstated for another four-year term. The council voted to appoint him to the position. Stewart informed the council that the proposed grant partnership with the Hotel Lincoln owners, Jerry and Karen Allen, was not accepted by the PDA board.

The dog ordinance that the committee worked on for several months and was approved by the council was delayed in its implementation and the dates in the document need to be changed by amendment before the mayor will sign it.


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