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Letter to the Editor; Duetschesfest needs YOU!

To the Editor:

The third full week in September will be here before you know it!

Our little town celebrates its German heritage during The Fest. Thousands of people come to help with that celebration; they leave thousands of dollars before they go home.

All of the preparations are done by volunteers. The shifts to sell the food, the Biergarten tenders, the setup and cleanup, the breakfast makers, the bench painters… all done by VOLUNTEERS. School sports, school clubs, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Lions Club, the local churches and the Odessa Chamber of Commerce count on everyone to help in some way with their fundraising.

The churches have started baking and freezing the food for Fest. Feel free to go and lend a hand. “Many hands make light work”. It’s fun to see how it all comes together. You will be welcome for as much time as you can give.

The Biergarten is the hub for getting the area spruced up. Every weekend from now until Fest, work will be going on. They would love the help! No matter how little or how much. If you have a talent that can be used, let someone know (that’s how the Biergarten murals got painted). You might be busy on the weekends and would rather help another time. Well, let someone know.

If you can bake something for the museum bakesale, please consider doing that. Maybe even consider serving a shift hosting at the museum. There are many other booths and areas that can use your help as well.

Some folks do not feel the need to help with Fest. Some folks leave town. Some folks feel that Deutsches Fest is all about the Biergarten and want nothing to do with it. Other folks say they do not live in town so do not need to help out. Well, I wonder what Odessa would be like if we did not have the awareness that Fest brings. What would Odessa be like if we did not have the thousands of dollars people spend? If you have ideas, it’s your Fest. Let them be known.

When you get the call asking for help, lend a hand. If the person leaves a message, return the call (so they do not have to keep calling you). If you sign up for a shift, show up for it. Remember, we are all volunteers doing what we can do for Odessa. People of all ages, let’s make this the best Fest ever.

Thanks for listening.

Barb Schlimmer



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