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Birthdays and Anniversaries

Birthday's for October 19: Phyllis Eide, Heather Valverde, Arlee Jo Riley. October 20: Samantha Peterson, H.P. Carstensen, Judy Scrupps October 21: Travis Schuh, Alex Scheller, Ned Phillips, Whitney Wolverton, Shorty Hink. October 22: Jackson Nichols, Jennifer Singer, Joe McNeil, Laela Hardung, Lane Lobe. October 23 : Holly Heimbinger, Jeremy Hink October 24: Tate Wagner, Ray Pope. October 25: Justin Hauge, Lisa Martin. Anniverseris for October 20: Mark & Kim King. October 24: Riley & Lynn Allen. October 25: Mel & Kathy Jantz, Roland & Jennifer Singer.

Birthdays and Anniversaries are taken from the Odessa High School Band calendar.


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