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What's Hot

Odessa School Menu

MONDAY, May 18: Juice, fruit, bagel w/cream cheese. Lunch: Tacos, corn muffin, fruit and veg bar.

TUESDAY, May 19: Muffin. egg patty, fruit and juice. Lunch: Pepperoni pizza, corn, jello, fruit and veg bar.

WEDNESDAY, May 20: French toast stix, fruit and juice. Lunch: Teriyaki chicken or beef tips, rice, muffin, fruit and veg bar.

THURSDAY, May 21: Toast, cereal, fruit and juic. Lunch: BBQ, chicken, jo jo's, fruit and veg bar.

FRIDAY, May 22: Muffin, cereal, fruit and juice. Lunch: Nachos w/ cheese and chili, string cheese, fruit and veg bar.

Harrington School Menu



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