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Community Thanksgiving dinner at OTH

Don’t want to cook that big Thanksgiving dinner this year? Hate doing all those dishes? Tired of spending the holiday alone? There’s an alternative right here in the heart of Odessa at Old Town Hall. Each Thanksgiving Day, a community Thanksgiving dinner is prepared and served, starting at about noon and lasting well into the evening.

The dinner is sponsored by the local Masonic Lodge as a community service. This year the group will be providing plenty of turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy. Guests are encouraged to bring a side dish, salad or dessert, but you won’t be turned away if you show up empty-handed.

Quite a few people stick around after dinner to play games and visit. Pinochle, Scrabble and Skip-Bo are just a few of the available games. Other suggestions are always welcome.

“We think that the Thanksgiving dinner gives us an opportunity to connect with others that we don’t normally see on a daily basis,” says Lise Ott, one of the event coordinators. “And the pot-luck format means no one has to wear themselves out – something to truly be thankful for!”


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