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It's a Wonderful Life on stage in Odessa

Wheatland Theatre Company, under managing director Drew Kowalkowski and artistic director Karen Brewster, provided an Odessa audience with a version of the It's a Wonderful Life story in the form of a live radio play last Saturday evening in the Old Town Hall. The organization has had performances in Davenport, Reardan, Wilbur and Odessa over the first week of December.

The radio play was directed by Jerry Sciarrio. A casting call was made earlier this fall in all of the towns listed above. Those who were awarded parts were Justin Bradford, Knute Hernas, Erin Henry (all three of whom read multiple parts), Lee Jorgenson who played Mr. Potter, Jonathan Broadway who played George Bailey, Erika Scharff who played George's wife Mary and Shirley Johnson and Patra Canfield who provided sound effects off to one side of the stage.

The play was staged and performed with the help of grant money, sponsorships from local businesses and support from individuals.

The amateur actors all did a very capable job of conveying the story line to the audience. Those who had so many different voices to perform while representing several different characters were particularly challenged but rose admirably to that challenge. The social gathering ahead of the performance was also a nice touch and was thoroughly enjoyed.

Author Bio

Terrie Schmidt-Crosby, Editor

Terrie Schmidt-Crosby is an editor with Free Press Publishing. She is the former owner and current editor of the Odessa Record, based in Odessa, Wash.


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