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This Week in Odessa

History War, influenza, holiday turkey bingo, travel to Holy Land

100 years ago

The Odessa Record

November 22, 1918

An open letter. "The following letter is a copy of a letter written by Governor Lister to a number of Odessa people in answer to a petition sent to the governor's office relative to the case of Dr. Jantz. Mr. C.E.M. Sanderson, chairman of the local board, has requested its publication in the Record in justice to the local board and all other parties concerned. F.W. Cook: Odessa, Washington.

Dear Sirs,

Further referring to your communication dated September 27th, signed by yourself and many other citizens of Lincoln County, and relating to the case of Emil Jantz.

Investigation by this department shows that on original classification, the registrant Emil Jantz was placed in Class Four on dependency grounds under the Provost Marshal General's reclassification Board, placed in Class one and called for physical examination. The local board doctor found that Jantz had varicose veins but as the local board was not satisfied as to Jantz's physical status, the local board ordered Jantz before Medical Advisory Board No. 18 at Spokane. Medical Advisory Board No. 18 on September 10th found Jantz to be physically deficient and not physically qualified for military service. Based upon the advisory findings of the Medical Advisory Board, the local board on September 17th held Jantz to be physically deficient, and not physically qualified for military service on account of the leg condition referred to and placed him in class 5, in compliance with the Regulations.

You are advised therefore that, if Jantz were physically qualified, he would be inducted into military service in the regular way. Because of his physical disqualifications however, the local board cannot induct him. Had the local board inducted him and sent him to camp the Medical Mustering officers at the Camp would have rejected and discharged him on physical grounds.

This investigation by this Department shows that the handling of this case has been entirely regular throughout and in strict conformity with the Selective Service Regulations. By the direction of Governor Lister.

Irvin W. Ziegaus

Captain, Infantry. U.S.

Executive Officer.

May send parcels without labels. Mrs. D.E. Schimke, president of the local Red Cross, received this week word that a new and welcome ruling had been received by the local branch relative to the shipment of Xmas packages to soldier boys, which means that every Odessa boy overseas will receive a Christmas package, if his family wish to send it. The new ruling provides for an extension of time for the sending of Xmas parcels until November 30th and to provide against the possibility of all labels not getting here in time, the war and Post Office Departments have issued an order to the effect that in case labels are not received by November 21st, the family may receive a carton after that date at any Red Cross Christmas Parcel Station by signing the following statement:

"The undersigned hereby make application to " forward to (Name) ......... .... ........... American Expeditionary Forces, A Christmas package. The undersigned hereby declares that he or she is nearest living relative in the United States of the proposed recipient; that he or she has not received this man's label from abroad; and that should such label be received it will not be used; and that to the best of his or her knowledge and belief only one Christmas parcel will be sent the proposed recipient.

The same regulation will govern the sending of these packages as in the case where regular labels are received. Additional quantities of cartons have been provided in case those originally secured are not sufficient. This new order is a most timely one and will prove a great relief to many mothers and relatives who have not yet received the expected labels.

Use Cinnamon oil for Influenza. Oil of cinnamon has a very favorable effect on the temperature and shortens the convalescence period, says the Medical press. Patients who usually suffer from marked weakness for several days after an attack of Influenza regain their strength very rapidly when treated with cinnamon oil, and are able to take up their occupations on the second or third day. Twelve drops of the oil are given tn half a tumblerful of water, and the dose is repeated in one hour, then ten drops given regularly every two hours until the temperature has dropped to normal. When the fever has gone ten drops should be given three times a day during the following twenty-four or forty-eight hours. When influenza is thus treated from the very outset-that is, within the flrst three or four hours-the temperature becomes normal within twelve hours; if the treatment is begun later it may require twenty-four or thirty-six hours to obtain this result.

75 years ago

The Odessa Record

November 25, 1943

Santa Claus will return. Good news to the children of Odessa was sounded at the commercial club meeting on Wednesday, when it was decided that Santa Claus should again return for his pre-Christmas visits.

Street decorations and the Goodfellow committees will again be active, hampered only by such war restrictions as may be met.

Heading the Santa Claus program is the following committee: Al Wagner, A1 Wolfe, H.H. Strate, Howard Moore, T.C. Anderson and Henry Michaelson, Jr.

Goodfellows activities will directed bv E.J, Wachter, J.C. Michaelsen. P.C Jantz, H.H. Strate, Reuben Fink, H.F. Ottestad and the Rev. M.J. Galle.

Decorations committee, which will work in conjunction with the Lions club, includes Fred Lenz, A.W. Jessett, George Zicha, Carl Huber and T.W. Eckhardt.

Sol Reiman announced that Christmas trees would be available for the homes at a near future date.

A report on the women's rest room indicated that the room was still being used, and that farm women continue to express their approval of it.

Lawrence Schafer, new manager of the Grange Supply company, was introduced to the members.

Urge early buying of auto licenses. The new auto licenses will go on sale December 1 and owners are urged to buy early to prevent the rush that usually comes at the first of the year.

The new license will be a sticker very much like that of 1942 except that it will be about twice as large. Some of the objections to the former sticker, especially the tendency to come off the windshield and fall to pieces in your hand, have been corrected. Size this year will be 2 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches, green border, white center, larger figures, and other improvements.

Christmas tree custom continues. The Odessa Union Warehouse company and the G.W. Finney Lumber company, who for more than three decades have furnished free Christmas trees for the homes, schools and churches of the community, are continuing this practice, it is announced.

Delivery of the trees are expected in the near future, in time for the i Christmas need.

PUD propaganda is $150 a month. The Lincoln county public utility district commissioners, Louis Schultz, Harrington; A.H. Reilly, Waukon, and John F. Lome, Govan, meeting at Davenport last Wednesday, passed a resolution providing that the Lincoln county PUD united with the Public Utility Research and Information Service, recently incorporated, whose function is to act as a research and educational medium for public utility districts of this state. The Lincoln county PUD will pay $150 monthly as its share of the expense of this service.

50 years ago

The Odessa Record

November 21 1968

Lions 'Turkey Toot' set this weekend. The Odessa Lions Club is prepared to offer the public its annual Turkey event Saturday afternoon and evening at city hall, Clinton Thompson, president, reports. Fun and games for the whole family will once again be offered from 2 p.m. Saturday until midnite. Many, many turkeys have once again been lined up for prizes.

The Odessa Lions Club 'Turkey Toot' is a fundraising event for the club. Net proceeds must go into a community project, Thompson states. Many projects of large and small size have been financed in the community with voluntary help from the club membership. One of the most recent was the development of a new Tourist Park facility, which has been used extensively by travelers.

The Lions are also offering 10 fine prizes, a list of the same appearing on page two of this Record. They are on display in the window of Hemmerling Insurance. Tickets are available from local Lions.

In addition to the recreation offered at the Turkey Toot, lunch will be available from a bevy of male cooks.

The place to be Saturday, November 23, the president adds, is at city hall in Odessa!

Explains possible grants for pollution control. Tom Haggerty of the Water Pollution Control Commission of this state, reflecting on the fact that this is one of the few communities in the state without a sewer system, explained that it is possible the community could receive approximately $60,000 in federal and state grants (funds which need not be repaid) for pollution control.

The federal government Pollution Control Commission does provide funds up to 30 per cent of the cost of a treatment facility and the feed line. (This does not apply to the sewage collection system in town.) In addition the state Commission can add another 15 percent for the same facility, or conceivably $60,000 to offset costs of the lagoon.

Criteria which govern the grants are (A) How the need relates to pollution control; (B) the financial ability of the community to pay for a treatment facility; and (C) the readiness of the community to act.

Both Haggerty and the state health officer layed heavy emphasis on the readiness of the community to do something about their pollution problem as a primary criteria for receiving the grants.

County health officer sees need for sewer system in Odessa. Wilbur VanLeuven, Lincoln county health officer, stated at the Thursday public meeting concerning a proposed sewer system for Odessa, that the problem of sewage isn't being controlled here. He did not consider septic tanks to be control devises as they run over.

VanLeuven said the overflow from septic tanks is just flowing through the gravel deposits underground which merely carry the pollution away but do not control it. This pollution could get into the water supply. The affluent sometimes reaches the surface, too, and when it does it is serious as it is a proven disease factor.

He stated that Odessa has a good water supply which is worth protecting. It is better and easier to do something about protecting that supply now before a serious problem does arrive.

A community sewer system could mean that residents could install garbage disposal units in their homes. It could mean maximum use of other appliances possibly now limited by the capacity of septic tanks.

Costs of sewer installations are generally reflected in the value of property, VanLeuven said. Those properties with sewer generally become more salable, attracting new people. The quality of homes improves, too, he said.

Announce engagement. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Bennett, Bellingham, announce the engagement of their daughter, Julie Ann to Ronald C. Jantz of Odessa. He is a senior at Northwest College, Kirkland, and will enter the ministry upon graduation. Miss. Bennett has also been a student at Northwest College. A June wedding is planned.

25 years ago

The Odessa Record

November 18, 1993

Gift registry will be Fest feature. Gift registry at various downtown stores in Odessa will be a feature of Christmas Fest this year.

Coordinator of events Laura Estes announced the plan at Tuesday's meeting of the Odessa Chamber of Commerce, which is sponsoring the Fest, which takes place this year on December 1. Several merchants and businesses are cooperating in the registry, in which adults and children may indicate their preferences for gifts.

Estes said downtown stores have contributed gifts for five baskets which will be presented to the winners in drawings at the Community Center throughout the day.

Several more tables have been reserved by exhibitors of arts, crafts and other wares as well as food in the center, it is reported. Twenty or more tables and booths are expected.

Chief Randy Carlson said Odessa Police will have a table in the center where youngsters may be fingerprinted for identification in case of emergency. The fingerprinting will take place for two hours in the afternoon and also during early evening hours.

Some businesses and stores will be open until 8 p.m. for the Fest, which annually introduces Odessa's holiday shopping season. Several merchants have said they plan to offer hourly specials on merchandise and services during the day.

Committees in charge of holiday lights, candy canes and candy bags to be distributed at the school reported that their preparations had been completed.

The Chamber approved the moving of the sound system which provides music over loudspeakers on First Avenue to a new location in Record Square. Bill Graedel volunteered to research the upgrading of the system, which now has limited capabilities.

Odessa travelers visit the Holy Land. The Rev. Charles Smith, pastor of the Odessa Baptist Church, and Tom and Debbie Weishaar returned October 31 from a 12-day tour of the Holy Land, Jordan and Egypt-- the Bible Lands.

It was Pastor Smith's 20th trip as a tour guide.

Most of the 35 who made the trip were laypersons. They traveled through the Holy Lands by bus. Each country they visited provided a guide trained in archeological and geographical data.

These guides cooperated with Pastor Smith, who was the commentator for the group. He performed five baptisms, includeing that of Debbie Weishaar, in the Jordan River during the tour.

The group included 14 from the Spokane area joined in New York by 21 from Phoenix. It was an interdenominational tour. The group included members of Roman Catholic, Episcopalian, Baptist and Apostolic/Pentecostal faiths. The latter spoke only Spanish. Although the tour guides provided by the various countries visited did not speak Spanish, another pastor on the tour was able to serve as interpreter. The group's hotel was atop the Mountain of Olives. It afforded a spectacular view.

The tourists visited the sea of Galilee, where Jesus fed 5,000 and delivered the Sermon on the Mount. Pastor Smith said it is interesting to note that the area's natural acoustics actually enable the speaker to be heard by a large crowd.

Other sights included the Brook Kidron and the Garden of Gethsemane, where botanists have confirmed that olive trees are more than 2,000 years old. Also seen was Galilee at Capernum, where excavations have discovered the disciple Peter's house and found graffiti mentioning Jesus, and Pilate's Judgment Hall, with etchings by Roman soldiers on the pavement.

Another stop which the group found interesting, said Pastor Smith, was at "Step Street," where excavations uncovered Ciaphus' Judgment Hall and the Original steps where Jesus walked. Stones show notations of weights and measures, and there is a dungeon there.

At Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus, the group saw the Church of the Nativity, the oldest building in Christendom, which dates to 300 A.D. It is built over the cafe which housed the animals of those staying in the inn.

The group received communion at the garden Tomb, where "the place of the skull" is visible. They also visited the pyramids in Egypt, King Tut's Tomb and the Valley of the Kings.

Pastor Smith said there is evidence these ancient kings believed in an after-life, and they attempted to deny responsibility for their actions. He said their epitaphs leave the message "I didn't do it."

A welcome for new neighbors. By Margaret Underwood. The townspeople of the town of Adrian, in Grant County, were an oddly independent group of folks. There seemed to be little effort to organize clubs or elect officials, partly because there were so few people remaining in town, and perhaps because early efforts to form a company to bring irrigation to the Adrian area had floundered on the rocks of financial troubles.

By the 1930s, each family was pretty much of an independent kingdom. Caring for each other, but not needing to hold meetings to prove it, with the exception of the Grange, of course, which covered a large area including Adrian, but seemed rather impersonal so far as local problems were concerned.

That is why one particular event that happened back in the '30s has always stayed in my mind.

The occasion was the moving to our town of two new families of railroad workers. In the railroad town, as Adrian was then, workers either came to town or left as the men were "bumped" by workers from other towns with more seniority who wanted a transfer. This forced the entrenched family to move to a new location.

Two new families moving in at one time caused a stir of conversation at the store and post office. The new comers were the Lobaughs and the Eckfields.

After giving the families a couple of weeks to get settled, there came a warm summer evening which found our family and perhaps a half dozen more neighbors strolling along the railroad tracks toward the section foreman house where the Lobaughs lived.

Since none of the homes in town had telephones, the news of the visit must have been passed from person to person. We strolled along in the twilight, chatting with each other as we walked.

The section foreman house was small, and the Eckfields were trying to quiet a tiny baby they had just adopted. The baby cried mournfully, and I remember the feeling of unease of our surprised hosts. They had nothing to offer us, and we had brought nothing. To the children of the group, it was a treat just to be doing something with our parents. The only other times we shared fun times together was at Christmas, and at the eighth grade graduation ceremony.

Our visit that evening was no doubt ill-timed. It is doubtful if the new neighbors ever realized they were the social event of the year in our small town.


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