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Animosity in the political arena shocks letter writer

Series: Letter to the Editor | Story 10

To the Editor:

The animosity expressed by tone of voice, facial expressions and questions about undocumented people (i.e., illegal aliens) at political meetings amazes me. I attended a Conversations with Cathy meeting in Medical Lake in October 2018, when disdain for the undocumented was expressed by one woman who shouted out “Build that Wall,” and others appeared to agree.

On February 21, I attended another Conversations with Cathy meeting in Medical Lake. After Representative McMorris Rodgers’s opening remarks, the first rather aggressive question was why the laws already on the books concerning undocumented workers (11 to 20 million according to the questioner) weren’t being enforced.

Later, in response to a question concerning the housing shortage in the area, Representative McMorris Rodgers relayed a conversation she just held with a general contractor who was involved in the housing development behind the Airway Heights WalMart store – he could build more housing but for lack of electricians, plumbers and other skilled workers.

How interesting that in many parts of the country, that work, along with many other skilled and unskilled jobs, is carried out efficiently and successfully by the “undocumented.” Contributions of immigrants to this country, both legal and illegal, are often overlooked by many “documented” Americans.

Nancy Street



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