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Words of Encouragement

This is February, also known as ‘Love-you-wary’. This is the month when we

think about love and the ones we love. This can be a great time for some people,

but also it can be a very sad time for others. I know that Valentine’s Day is one day

of this month, but what if we spent the rest of this month getting to know the one

who loved us first. I am talking about Jesus, the one who gave His life for us, even

when we did not ask Him to. The Bible says that God demonstrated His love for us,

even while we were still sinners. His love for us is not because we have done

something good. He loves us because that’s who He is. He is Love.

This is a love that most of us may not understand. If we are totally honest,

most of us think of love as a response to something we have done or something

someone has done for us. God loves us because that is who He is and not because

of what we have or have not done. It has been said that there is nothing that we

can do that will make God love us more, and there is nothing we can do that will

make Him love us less. This is not an invitation to go out and do whatever you

want, but it is an invitation to come to Him when we have missed the mark, so He

can open his arms and show us His love. God knows we are not perfect, and while

He does not want us to go out and sin, when we do sin, He is always there ready

to grant forgiveness. His love is not based on our actions. He just loves us because

He is love.

I would like to challenge you this month. The 14th is a day to express your

love for those who love you. The rest of the month, look for ways to express love

for those not expecting it. Maybe you can buy coffee for the person behind you in

the coffee line. Maybe send a note of appreciation to a friend you haven’t seen in

a long time. It could be doing something for someone around the house, not

because they ask you to, but you just know that they would like it, and it needs to

be done. Perhaps clean the table after a meal, wash the dishes, wash, fold, and

put away the clothes. Saying a meaningful thank you could go a long way in

showing love. After all, random acts of kindness will improve how you feel,

especially when you do them without expecting anything in return. There are

enough things in the world to pull us down? Let’s start lifting others up and

encouraging them. You will be surprised at how it makes you feel. If you can, try to

stay anonymous and watch how it lifts their day. Through this challenge, you will

begin to reflect more of Jesus to those around you, without even trying.

Bill Cox

Pastor of the Odessa Foursquare Church


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