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Future of OHS ag program prompts letters to the editor

To the Editor:

Odessa is a small community with a traditional agriculture base. The local opportunities that are currently available to our youth include sports, church, FBLA, Science, 4-H, and FFA.

With this information I am saddened to learn that a few would like to see our school drop the agricultural classes and FFA program and take this unique opportunity away from our youth.

The argument has been made that not enough students desire to or are available to take agriculture education classes; however ag ed classes exist that would count towards core standards and graduation requirements (i.e. basic math class = Ag Business, and biology = Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources-ANFR). I would like to see our school board and our superintendent explore this option with an agricultural teacher to develop and expand the offered part-time position back to a full-time program. There is also curriculum based on Farm to School, Computer Aided Drawing, Floriculture, Horticulture and Animal Science that could be incorporated into lower grades to establish a base for future FFA’ers and spark an interest back into our agriculture program. Neighboring communities have implemented these ideas and currently have thriving programs.

The next school board meeting is June 24th at 7pm. Your attendance is needed to show this is an important program to our community. Your suggestions are needed to make this a better program for our youth. And your thoughts are needed as to how this program can be integrated into the schedules and class requirements of our small school.

I believe in the future of agriculture.

Dusti Kissler


To the Editor:

In Masanoby Fukuoka’s One-Straw Revolution, he wrote, “The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings.” In the last few months, it has become apparent how important these words truly are. I am blessed to call Odessa home. This community, like many others communities in our Bi-County area, has raised its children with a dedication to blood, sweat, and tears that the bigger city can never achieve.

I have to say that farmers are a strange breed. They gamble every day of their lives and are always more optimistic for the next year. Who else in their right mind would do that!? This passion and dedication leaked into the communities that they built. This is the basis of small town American living and Odessa isn’t an exception. It is why we choose to live here. You don’t have to be a farmer to feel its affect. It creeps into you and makes you strive to be a better person. It makes you work hard and respect the hard work of others. Family, work ethic, and integrity will always be essential.

But why is this so important to recognize? The Odessa School District is again looking to fill the teaching position for our agriculture classrooms. Rumor around town is that the school will no longer be offering Ag classes or the FFA Program going into next year. This is not true. With the partnership of the Odessa Ag Advisory Board and support of the Odessa FFA Alumni Association, the administration is working hard to find suitable replacements. I want to assure this community that the Advisory Board and FFA Alumni have not stopped, and will not stop, working to continue offering these valuable classes to our students next year.

We are also looking to you for support. Offer suggestions, voice concerns, or give a few hours of time for instructional efforts. We are looking for good people to help drive this program forward. Look for Superintendent White’s article in the Odessa Record. It will explain the situation and how you may be able to help. Please help us continue our dedicated effort, the cultivation and perfection of our youth.

Marcus Horak

Odessa FFA

Alumni Association


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