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Harrington news

Three meetings last week

Harrington Opera House Society

The September 12, HOHS monthly meeting took place with Billie and Gordon Herron, Ed and Bunny Haugan, Linda Wagner, Carol, Dillon Haas, and Mark and Sheryl Stedman present.

The building committee continues to work with the engineer and architect to get accurate drawings of the completed projects. Kelli Tanke is assisting with work on the Inland Northwest Community Foundation grant. The basement cleaning project has been delayed until after the gala event. Discussion was held regarding the piano lessons and students and the new fall schedule. Upcoming events that were focused on were the September 23 performance by the Needhams, a rummage sale on September 24 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., the Gala Celebration on October 1 and a private wedding on October 8.

100 Autoists

About 100 members and guests of the Inland Empire Antique Ford Club, informally called the Spokane Model T Club, rendezvoused September 14 at Allen Barth's Studebaker Garage. About 60 antique auto drivers enjoyed a two-day tour of about 100 miles per day. Barth feted them with a barbecue. Ed Haugan gave many of them a tour of the Opera House, and the Rummage Sale Annex was open for purchases. Several enjoyed playing the grand piano. One gentleman played quite a few numbers and remarked later that he wished he had played longer. He was near the Art Room and was offered the piano bench at the pianos available there, which he kindly accepted. Those who happened to be there enjoyed a brief but wonderful concert!

City Council

Wednesday evening, the Harrington City Council met for their monthly meeting. Those present included Mayor Dillon Haas, Peter Davenport, Rick Becker, Mike Cronrath, Justin Slack, Levi Schenk (councilmen), Bunny Haugan (clerk), and visitors: Paul Charlton, Dianne Sanchez, Nancy Egnew, Pastor Cade Clarke and four of Mike Conrath's history class students. Much discussion was held regarding the upcoming Second Street projects. Two tentative meetings were set, a work session meeting on Sept. 27 and a public hearing on Oct. 6, which would include the engineer. Council authorized the consultant agreement with Belsby Engineering.

The major gave the maintenance report which included asphalt, water leaks, the Glover abatement and equipment. Council addressed the building code fee schedule and tabled the issue to next meeting. Discussion was held regarding tree removal from an alley; council left the decision to McGowan. Slack reported that Harrington and Sprague are under apple maggot quarantine. Items that had been added to the agenda at the beginning of the meeting were withdrawn from the agenda by Davenport at 10:30 p.m. in the hopes of closing the meeting before it got too much later.


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