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Time waits for no one

I was talking with a friend the other day, when I heard Simon and Garfunkel’s “59th Street Bridge Song” and its lyrics, “Slow down, you move too fast; you got to make the morning last. Kicking down the cobble stones, looking at life and feeling groovy.”

Life was so much simpler back then. In Seattle, an eight-year-old could get on a transit bus alone and travel across town without a worry.

Life nowadays moves so fast we barely have time to think. Then the next problem rears its ugly face, and another day begins. You’re still not finished with yesterday’s stuff, so it just keeps piling up, day after day. You have to run Johnny to soccer, pick up June from the dentist, then shop for dinner and have it on the table when your spouse walks through the door. Try to answer your emails and texts that never stop coming on your smart-phone and computer, including one from your boss about tomorrow’s staff meeting and the cookies you’re going to bake for school, as the dog runs out the door when you answer it, or because Jimmy left the door open again. Then there’s the kids’ homework and all the questions about life that they want to know about. We want to help with our community and fellow man, do just as the Bible says, or just plain care. That adds to the load we already have.

So many choices and points of view add to the frustration. So where do we draw the line? When does it all end? When is enough, enough? That’s a hard question to answer. Try to listen to the inner voice in your head. It will tell you what to do. It speaks from past experience. The hardest part is getting the time we need to relax and listen to that inner voice. It’s time to adjust those rabbit ears for a clearer picture and reduce the static.

Everyone needs some alone time to step back, set priorities and not be pressured to make a decision right now like the used car salesman in a hurry for you to make up your mind about the car you just test drove. “Don’t take a chance it will be gone tomorrow,” he says. When we rush, we make mistakes, sometimes tragic mistakes that neither we ourselves nor others will ever forgive.

So let’s all take some time for ourselves, slow down, pause and reflect on the issues at hand. Then we can all make better decisions about family, religion and life. I know I am my own worst enemy when it comes to slowing down. Just ask my wife. I will push until I literally drop from exhaustion. Poor woman, I love her so!

When we move too fast, sometimes we don’t see the curb. We trip and land face first on the pavement. Now the challenge is to get up gracefully without looking like a fool (been there done that). More stress now, along with a dash of embarrassment. Just what you needed. Now smile!

Editor’s note: Pat Gamache submitted this commentary back in May, but this is the first opportunity The Record has had to publish it.


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