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Letter to the Editor: Elected officials told to focus on income, trust

Our recently elected federal and state officials now have two numbers to focus on: $135,000 and 19%.

First, the $135,000 is the amount of money it will take for a middle-class family to pay its bills with a little leftover for emergencies, some savings, and the occasional incidental. This is not luxury living or even an extravagant life style. It’s merely a comfortable living. A few years ago it took $100,000, and it will take about $150,000 in a few more years. Given that the average income of a middle-class family is $57,000, that is a big gap to span. If our elected officials really want to make America great, they have to work on closing this gap for the working class and middle class Americans each day of the next four years. Gridlock is unacceptable.

Second, the 19% indicates that almost one in five Americans trust the government. In the 1960s that trust level was around 75%. If our elected officials really want to re-gain the public trust, closing the income gap for all Americans will be one clear way to do this. Beginning now.

President-elect Trump, re-elected Governor Inslee and all other elected officials, close this income gap and build back the trust in government. Get it done.

Duane Pitts

Moses Lake


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