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Wehr to attend Sigma Xi conference in Glendale, AZ

Odessa high school senior and Advanced STEM Research Laboratory student Thorsen Wehr has been invited to present his physics research at the Sigma Xi Society’s annual meeting and International Scientific Research Conference held this year in Glendale, Ariz., November 7-9, 2014. Wehr is a two-time Washington State Academy of Sciences researcher awardee. He traveled to Chicago to represent Washington State at the American Junior Academy of Sciences (AJAS) in February.

Once admitted to the AJAS, he now retains life membership and alumni status, allowing him associate membership to the Sigma Xi Research Society. After being inducted into the Sigma Xi Society this past summer, he submitted his research to Sigma Xi’s Dr. Richard Wiggins, and the two are currently publishing Wehr’s research. After many long months of editing, Wehr’s second published work goes to print in the Chronicle of the New Researcher within the next week or two.

Wehr will represent Odessa High School, the community, the Educational Services District 101, and Washington State as a liaison for science research; he is one of few high school students presenting his research with graduate and undergraduate university students. His research entitled, “The Generation and Analysis of Sound Waves with Varying Nonlinearity” and the international recognition he received from this research helped secure this honor and invitation. The practical applications of his research consist of a variety of medical uses, nonlinear beam-forming arrays, military non-invasive strikes or mapping the ocean floor.

The action-packed weekend has invitees viewing posters presented by professional researchers, exhibits, and networking with professionals across the world. They will attend many keynote speakers and guest lecturers on global science and engineering issues, and finally present their research for evaluation by career professionals. The McGovern Award Lecture and Student Award Presentation complete with Sigma Xi’s conference banquet will conclude this scientific adventure. While in Arizona,

Wehr has been invited to a video interview by the Sigma Xi Research Society regarding his STEM research success and his publication with the Chronicle of the New Researcher.

The Odessa School District and community have supported the Odessa Science Department and ASR Laboratory, and the local Sigma Xi Tri-Cities chapter is helping to sponsor Wehr and his research. Wehr is excitged that Dr. Richard Wiggins and the Sigma Xi Science Research Society have invited him to share his Odessa High School science research.


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