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Crunch week has arrived

Only one week left to Deutschesfest, and there is still much work to do. And plans to get it done, if you know who to ask.

Dale Ramm, project coordinator for the outdoor stage, reported that all Lions are encouraged to come to the Festplatz all day Saturday and after church Sunday to finish up. There are trim boards to be painted and installed, and the bricks which were sold to finance the project to be laid. Ramm said that having the bricks finished is the highest priority. “We’ll get it all done,” he said.

Marlon Schafer, Chamber of Commerce president, reported that the wiring for the new downtown sound system is about half done, and that help would be greatly appreciated. “Anyone could do it,” he said. Schafer also added that there are several “ratty looking” benches downtown that need to be repainted.

Don Strebeck, Odessa Fire Chief, said that the volunteer crew will be washing down the sidewalks and building fronts beginning Wednesday and continuing through Friday. The public works department will follow up with the street sweeper.

Things are shaping up at the Biergarten, with newly painted tables and benches to be seen everywhere, but there are still a lot of items on the “to do” list propped up against the bar.

Storage boxes need to be put away, floors swept, bathrooms and coolers cleaned, and more. Volunteers could call DeJay Buck at (509) 434-9915 for more information.

Shifts at the Biergarten are still available, according to Debbie Praetorius. She said they need one more person for the entrance for the Saturday 6 - 10:30 shift, and several people for multiple shifts on Sunday.

Finally, every resident of Odessa is encouraged to put their best foot forward for the four-day event.


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