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35th Annual Mennonite Country Auction

Menno Mennonite Church sits atop a grassy knoll surrounded by miles and miles of wheat fields. But on Saturday, October 6, this isolated country church between Moses Lake and Ritzville will become one of the busiest places in two counties as it hosts the 35th Annual Mennonite Country Auction and Relief Sale. You will find homemade Mennonite and Amish quilts, a copper kettle bubbling with homemade apple butter, a hand-cranked cider press, food booths, craft booths, crowds of people enjoying the blue skies and crisp autumn air.

Mennonite Country Auction raises funds for Mennonite Central Committee, a relief and development agency of Mennonite and Brethren in Christ Churches. Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) was organized in 1920 to help victims of war and famine in Russia and the Ukraine. Today, MCC works in more than 50 countries around the world, responding to human need in the midst of poverty, war and natural disaster. Since 1977, Mennonite Country Auction has raised almost $2 million for this work “in the name of Christ.”

This year’s event begins with breakfast from 7 to 9 a.m. Food and craft booths open at 10 a.m. International crafts are on sale at “Ten Thousand Villages.” Other booths sell antiques, quilters’ supplies, fabric, unique collectibles and gently used children’s toys. Food items include smoked sausage, fresh-pressed apple cider, apple butter, New Year’s cookies, homemade pie and ice cream, stone-ground flour and corn meal, pure Canadian maple syrup, Troyer Amish cheeses and a variety of homemade breads and other baked goods.

The auction begins at noon. Items will include quilts, handcrafted wooden items, afghans, wall hangings, antiques and a variety of other treasures. There will be a raffle for a 1980 Harley Davidson Sportster motorcycle. Tickets will be available on the grounds the day of the sale.

Admission and parking are free. For more information, directions, map and photos of auction items, visit the website, http://mennonitecountryauction. or call 509-659-0926.


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