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Letter to the Editor

The next time someone counters your political view, don’t get too excited. Just tell him or her you’ll be glad to discuss politics when he or she has read the U.S. Constitution and made an attempt to understand it. And go ahead and read it, yourself. You can find a readable, printable copy of the Constitution at

You may say, “Well, my political opponents aren’t going to read it, and, now, I have no chance to debate the issues with them and change their minds.” Right. Someone who might be convinced of the absolute insanity of his political view, might just read the Constitution and learn something. Unfortunately, however, there are those who cannot be convinced of the incredible stupidity of their political views, will not read it or, if they do read it, will not be changed by it. There are a lot of people who aren’t worth your time trying to turn them away from the folly of their ways.

However, as the campaign goes on this year, remember that the presidential race is one of the most important in our history. Why? Because one of the biggest things in the minds of normal, critically thinking Americans is the fear they are feeling toward government. This condition is called Tyranny. It is the opposite of liberty. In a few short years, we have gone from being an expansive capitalistic society and economy to one that is tentative and non-expansive. We are afraid to invest, afraid to grow old, afraid to expand, because a huge centralized government looms large in every segment of our lives, threatening our very existence with dire promises: death panels to decide our fate when we are old or infirm; a huge boot on the throat of the oil and coal industries, resulting in the highest fuel prices ever; the nationalism of General Motors; the giving of aid and succor to our national enemies through Fast and Furious and other misguided policies; the failure of our foreign policy to keep our people safe overseas; the rules of engagement for our military personnel which put them at huge risk and is costing their lives every day; the tentacles of government in every enterprise we undertake, strangling growth and profit. When the vine of big government finally strangles the goose who lays the golden eggs, who is going to fund Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare? It will not be an America we can recognize as our own.

If you are a political junky, like me, you probably spend a particular amount of time every day tracking the state of the election. May I suggest a prescription for avoiding an “overdose” and a resulting hangover of pessimism?

1. Do more than observe: get involved.

2. Stop listening to the state-controlled news media. You’ll be surprised how relaxing it can be. I would include FOX in this, to some extent. I mean, how is it that “fair and balanced” means conservative vs. idiocy? FOX, like all the rest of the “Drive-by Media”, will not air stories or pictures of 9/11. What’s that all about? Well, it’s one of the reasons Glenn Beck left FOX.

3. Follow online news at The Blaze, The Drudge Report, Newsmax, Breitbart, etc., and do not overdose.

4. Do not let reports on political polls get you down. See what Rush said about them yesterday. If you aren’t a member of Rush 24/7 or Glenn Beck, be one. It’s worth it to be well-informed. The Blaze (Glenn’s news feed) and The Blaze TV (Glenn’s documentary evening show at 5 p.m. weekdays online and on The Dish) is in-depth reporting of world conditions as they are now. His latest documentary, “The Project,” is hair-raising, to say the least, and documented to the umpteenth degree.

5. As you will see, or have seen, the truth of the world as it is and the danger in which we now live is very real. The dangers which we soon may face can be very frightening. However, remember that good will overcome evil in the end, but not without our effort and struggle. We know already that the Savior will bind Lucifer in the end. We know that America will not fall, though she may fail, in many ways. Prayer, good deeds, charity, integrity, knowledge (especially of the U.S. Constitution), virtue – these are part of our personal arsenal as we go forth each day.

6. Be prepared: have food, water, clothing, documents, funds and other items of protection to keep your family safe for at least 72 hours of crisis and, ideally, a year or two years, stored or at hand.

VOTE! And, get your friends, relatives, neighbors to vote. Let’s not lose this fight because we sat down. Stand up, take action, be good, be tough, be loud, be firm. Be on God’s side, where an army greater than anything you can imagine, is waiting to do battle. The greatest weapon the enemies of Liberty have, is our discouragement. There is too much to do to be worried and discouraged. Our votes will reveal to us the size and strength of our army of friends and give each of us a mandate for the future.

Kathie Donahue



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