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Veterans Day is Sunday, for some also Monday

Veterans Day is Sunday, November 11, and on that day the members of Odessa VFW Post #7395, the VFW Ladies Auxiliary and the members of Odessa’s American Legion Post will serve up their annual turkey dinner/potluck. As usual, the groups will supply the turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy and a hot vegetable, while salads and desserts are provided by the guests.

The only thing different about this year’s event is that it will take place in the Old Town Hall rather than in what used to be called the VFW Building. The building was sold earlier this fall to Frank and Marc Horak, owners of the local NAPA Auto Parts store, which now occupies half of the building’s first floor, with its entrance on Division Street.

On Monday, November 12, some stores and businesses, the U.S. Postal Service and the Odessa School District will be closed in recognition of the Veterans Day holiday.

Vets Day school program

The Odessa FFA chapter will be honoring all Veterans at the Veterans Day program when school resumes on Tuesday, November 13, 2012, from 1:30 to 2:15 p.m. in the Odessa High School multipurpose room. All veterans and community members are welcome to attend and help honor those who have served and are currently serving.

A special seating section is normally reserved for all veterans who care to take advantage of it.


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