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Letter to the Editor: Do working couples pay more taxes?

It shouldn't surprise me, but why in the world would the I.R.S. penalize people for getting married. I know that Obama has a value system that is unique compared to the majority of Christians, as his decisions clearly have indicated that, even before he became president.

The marriage penalty needs to be studied as it affects a couple more if they both work. If only one is the main bread winner it is quite different. If you study the tax table that applies for married vs. non-married, I hazard a speculation of needing to have an accountant to explain it to you.

This new tax change, added to the many that will come in 2014 with Obamacare, certainly strengthens the need for a change to a flat tax or something that would help eliminate the cheating and the present system that is too expensive and riddled with abuse!

Speaking of being fair, will our President call the graduation salutatorian who had the courage to give "The Lord's Prayer" as his address. After all he did call the first gay scout to commend him for speaking up.

Gerald W. Ray



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