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Delayed Gratification

Sometimes when we feel we want something that we may not need, we immediately seek out this item, or perform this action. However, we may not realize that it will be better for us, in time, if we try not to indulge in what we want right away.

For example, say today you went to the store and saw on the shelf, shining in all it’s aluminum glory, a king-sized Snickers candy bar. You have several options now. You can A) buy the candy bar and immediately inhale it before you can even get to your car, B) Pass it up altogether, or C) Wait a while and enjoy it later. Most people would likely chose A or B, to either over-indulge or abstain completely. But a wiser person would practice delayed gratification in this situation. The person who chooses option C is more likely to enjoy the candy bar in question, because he or she has waited and anticipated it for quite a while.

Delayed gratification is a useful tool that we can apply to either the enjoyment of simple pleasures, such as buying a snack or a new pair of shoes, or going on an outing. We can also use this as a method of curbing cravings, or changing to a healthier diet. If you set a specific goal to accomplish, such as going for a jog or filing some important paperwork, you force yourself to be productive by having a goal-oriented reward system.

I practice delayed gratification when I can, and most of the time I see myself enjoying things more and getting more done. I highly suggest this method of self-control, whether it be for one’s health, habits, or productivity. And for anyone who is already on a journey of self-improvement, I wish you the best and urge you to move forward with your goals.

“Nothing ever comes to one that is worth having, except as a result of hard work.” -Booker T. Washington

Kimberly Nelson is a senior at Odessa High School. She has been working at The Record after school on Wednesdays to upload our content onto our website.


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