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Letter to the Editor: Writer wants legislative changeover in Olympia

To the Editor:

It’s time for a change in the thirteenth district. Let’s choose Sylvia Hammond to represent us in Olympia.

Sylvia has lived in the district for 40 years as a farmer and a teacher. She’s stepping up to run for office now, because she believes politics has become too divisive, crude and disrespectful. Sylvia has the values that many of us in central Washington share, of honesty, integrity and common sense.

Matt Manweller’s staff hangs up the phone when we call him, if we express views that disagree with his. Dissenting comments get deleted from his social media pages, and he even blocks his own constituents on Twitter. Does he want to represent our whole district, or just the people who agree with him?

Sylvia Hammond will listen to everyone, and respect everyone, no matter their beliefs. She’s ready to find real solutions that work for our district. Check out some of her ideas at and join me in voting for Sylvia.

J’aime Wells



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