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Donors of the Old Town Hall wall renovation

These donors to the Old Town Hall renovation project contributed the $12,800 needed to install new walls in the south room:

1 Alan & Diane Voise

2 Apryl Wraspir

3 Arthur & Dorothy Schorzman

4 Barbara Schlimmer

5 Bill & Carol Bell

6 Bill & Carol Knerr

7 Bill & Chris Crossley

8 Bob & Dorothy Dunham

9 Bob Deife

10 Brenda Knerr Matayoshi

11 Brenik & Kami Iverson

12 Bryan & Jessica Winston

13 Bunny Quirk

14 Chuck & Lanae Carper

15 Clarene Haynie

16 Clark & Charlene Kagele

17 Cliff & Bonnie Mooney

18 Costlow Services

19 Dalles & Suzie Deife

20 Dan & Patty Williams

21 Darcy Carstensen

22 Dave and Rhonda Kuch

23 Dawn Nelson

24 Deric and Marra Schmierer

25 Desert Grain (Paul Scheller)

26 Donation box at OTH

27 Doug & Jean Starkel

28 Doug & Nancy Plinski

29 Eddy and Mahki Carroll

30 Ellen Holman

31 Emily, Maddie & Jacob Scrupps

32 Gary & Terri Schmierer

33 George & Dorothy Gies Family Foundation

34 Highline Grain Growers

35 HP & Cory Carstensen

36 In Memory of Allen Kuest

37 In Memory of Jim Zimprich

38 In Memory of John & Mildred Deife

39 In Memory of Laverna Lenhart (Peter & Joan Larsen)

40 In Memory of Wally King (Shirley Groh)

41 Jack & Launa Scrupps

42 Jan Foster

43 Janie Graham (Graham Living Trust)

44 Jason & Danielle Scrupps

45 Jason & Jackie Johnston

46 Jeff & Raye Scrupps

47 Jerry & Ellen Schafer

48 Jim & Sharon Bostwick

49 Joan Scrupps Sousley

50 Joe & JoEllen Wollman

51 John & Lisa Sandygren

52 Jon & Sharon Fink

53 Kami & Gale Braun

54 Kathy Reeves

55 Keith and Leanna Schafer

56 Lani & Mary Schorzman Family

57 Larry & Kelly Weber

58 Laura Estes & Billie O'Mack

59 Leffel, Otis, and Warwick, PS

60 Lorus & Judy Scrupps

61 Marilyn & Phil Heninger

62 Marlene Kramer

63 Marshall & Joyce Roberts

64 Mary Lee King

65 McGuire, DeWulf, Kragt, & Johnson

66 Michaelson 4

67 Mike & Cheryl Nichols

68 Mike & LuAnn Hardung

69 Nancy Floether

70 Neil & Lecia Fink

71 Nick & Kristen Sebesta

72 Norman & Lise Ott

73 Odessa Drug Store

74 Odessa Healthcare Foundation

75 Odessa Trading Company

76 Pam & Tony Williams

77 Patrick & Patricia Gies

78 Randell & Wilma Manley

79 Robin & Juli Weishaar

80 Ron & Diane Nelson

81 Ron & Julie Jantz

82 Ryan & Debbie Walter

83 Sally & Steve Siegel

84 Schmidt Insurance Services

85 Schorzman Ag., Inc.

86 Schorzman Farms JV

87 Stacey & Dorcey Hunt

88 Stan & Debbie Dammel

89 State Farm Insurance

90 Stephen & Barbara Walter

91 Todd and Terri King

92 Tom & Gwen Clavel

93 Traig & Carmen Weishaar

94 Trevor & Paige Smith

95 VFW C/O John Hardt

96 Violet & Charles Pease

97 Wade & Vici Walter

98 Walter Implement

99 Zach & Katie Schafer


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