Serving Lincoln County for more than a century!

County growth slim between censuses

Many rural areas grow while some urban areas shrink

LINCOLN COUNTY—The total population of the United States grew by 22.7 million, or 7.4%, between 2010 and 2020, according to census data. However, that growth rate didn’t hold in Lincoln County. Census comparisons between 2010 and 2020 indicate the county had a slim amount of growth from 10,570 to 10,876.

Some areas of the county grew a significant percentage compared to that 307 population growth number, while others had striking decreases. Still others have nearly the same number of residents as 2010.

For the purpose of this article, we are considering a precinct growth or decrease of less than 10 as staying “the same” from 2010.

Growth found in rural and Roosevelt areas

The people that did move here seem to have chosen areas with a view of Lake Roosevelt or spots with ample wheat harvest opportunities. The county precinct that saw the most growth was Riverview, which includes Seven Bays and Deer Meadows and grew 67 people.

Rural Davenport grew 57 people, while the city of Sprague saw the highest urban growth with 49 more residents than 2010.

Rural Harrington grew 41 people, while rural Creston grew 40. Lakeview grew by 37 people, while the town of Almira grew by 34 people.

West Larene grew by 33 people, while north rural Reardan grew by 30 people. Peach grew by 29 people, while rural Wilbur grew 24 people.

Keller grew by 22 people, while Govan grew by 21 people. The town of Reardan grew by 18 people, while south rural Reardan grew by 17 people.

Gravelle grew by 16 people, while Waukon grew by 15 people. Irby and the town of Wilbur each grew by 11 people.

Davenport, Egypt see population losses

Eight Lincoln County precincts decreased in population by more than 10 people between 2010 and 2020. Egypt saw a bigger loss than any precinct, with 60 less people there than in 2010. The city of Davenport declined by 51 people, while rural Almira declined by 42 people.

Lamona declined by 31 people, while rural Sprague declined by 20 people.

The town of Creston declined by 19 people, while Wilson Creek declined by 16 people. Earl and the town of Odessa each declined by 11 people.

Other precincts stayed within a 10-person population growth or decline between censuses. Those include Enos, the city of Harrington, Layton, Sherman, Hawk Creek, East Larene, Mondovi, Bluestem, Edwall, Long Lake, Spring Creek, Canby, Mohler, Downs, rural Odessa and Grand Coulee.

Davenport, Odessa remain largest incorporated areas

Despite seeing population declines, Davenport and Odessa remain the largest incorporated areas in the county per 2020 census data.

Davenport is the largest with 1,683 people counted at the 2020 census. Odessa counted 896 people, with Wilbur just behind at 895 people.

Reardan counted 589 people, while Sprague counted 495. Harrington counted 429 people, while Almira was at 318. Creston was the smallest incorporated town with 217 people.

The largest unincorporated precincts are all in the greater Lake Roosevelt or rural Davenport area and are led by Riverview with 366 people, Egypt with 284 people, Lakeview with 277 people, East Larene with 272 people and Peach with 263 people.

Author Bio

Drew Lawson, Editor

Author photo

Drew Lawson is the former managing editor of the Davenport Times and a graduate of Eastern Washington University.


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