Serving Lincoln County for more than a century!

Merry Christmas, let's have a great 2022

Wow! What a year. 2021 might not have been topsy-turvey and tumultuous as 2020 for many people, but it was still full of thrills, scares, joy and in some cases, heartbreak and hardship.

It only seems appropriate that the forecast calls for single-digit, potentially record-low temperatures in the last week of the year, doesn’t it?

Many went into 2021 with a positive outlook, and for many, it was a vast improvement to 2020. Students stayed in school nearly the whole year. Sports returned, and many restrictions on restaurant and event capacities were lifted. In-person graduations, Pioneer Days, the Lincoln County Fair and more were all held after being cancelled in 2020 due COVID-19.

But hardships also occurred. COVID-19 continued to rear its ugly head and caused several deaths throughout the county. The wheat harvest was very poor due to dry and windy conditions. And life felt somewhat “back to normal,” but it’s clearly not all the way there yet. And the political divide in this country seemingly continues to deepen.

Personally, I’m privileged and humbled that I’ve been able to experience a full year as editor of The Times to witness and report on all these items, good and bad. I hope that we’ve continued to work on making the local paper exactly that…a local paper…again.

Of course, I am sorry for the hard things that happened here. I wish I never had to report on bad items, but that is the reality in this broken world we live in. But it makes me appreciate the “good” in people that I get to learn and write about here. And trust me, there is a lot of good in Davenport, Reardan, Harrington and the surrounding area.

Those facts make me look forward to 2022. More stories and interesting people will rear their heads this coming year, and I’m excited to represent a local paper that does its best to reflect those stories and news.

As I head out for Christmas vacation (I’ll be back Dec. 29), I’m thankful for the opportunity to continue getting engrained in this community that I get to cover news for. As always, if you have any news tips or story ideas, please feel free to email me at

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Author Bio

Drew Lawson, Editor

Author photo

Drew Lawson is the editor of the Davenport Times. He is a graduate of Eastern Washington University.


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