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This Week in Odessa History

100 years ago

Feb. 17, 1922

R.S. Crowl, former publisher of the Record dropped off No. 4 last night and is today renewing the acquaintance of his many friends here. Ralph is now located in Fresno, California, where he now owns a prosperous job printing business. During his ten years absence Father Time has been good to Crowl for he looks hardly a day older than when he left here. He reports also that Mrs. Crowl and their son, Robert, also enjoy the best of health in the sunny south, which according to his ideas now is the only place to live.

Gottlieb Schatz reports that the meanest man or bunch of kids in town broke into his house Sunday night and stole his children’s savings bank, containing about $10 in silver as well as some old coins, the value of which was more than fifty dollars. Mr. Schatz says that he is of the opinion that it was the work of boys for on different occasions things have been stolen from his place.

First it was his kit of automobile tools. Then 22 rabbits were taken from a pen. Next was four pet coyotes and last his baby’s bank. He is working on a clew that looks warm and expects to get results.

The sleighing that has been good ever since the first of the year had worn thin before the last fall of snow and will soon be a thing of he past, except on the hills where it may last for some time yet. As the sleighs decrease the, more automobiles come back into use. For a while this winter very few automobiles were in use outside of a few mile radius from Odessa, the drifted roads being impassible for the machines.


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