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Letter to the Editor

If I could, I would say, “Mr. Biden, TEAR DOWN THAT WALL of misconception/ignorance/incompetence.”

What do you know… I got a short message to the White House (202-456-1414). Only had to wait eight minutes. The staff was quite polite. Asked only my location, no personal data. I said eastern Washington state. Items briefly discussed:

A) 15% ethanol for this summer will be no good, as some cars can only handle 10%. Let us resume domestic oil production and pipelines. We were oil independent just a few years ago. This would lower fuel prices and put some back to work.

B) Let’s step up domestic industry (made in the continental U.S.A. What happened to our Silicon Valley (computer chips)? Hence, less shipping and supply problems.

C) Stop/slow down all imports, especially from Red China, which is anti-America/anti human rights/atheist and wants to dominate the world besides seeking Formosa (free China). Locally, some 90 percent of medical supplies come from Red China. Likewise, a lot of things, e.g. appliances, electronics, clothes, shoes, etc. are imported, mostly from them. They’re trying to change Hong Kong, formerly a great trading, banking colony. They could easily cut us off from many things.

D) TOO MUCH GOVERNMENT. Yes, in the 1930s through the 1970s some guidance was probably needed. But now many Americans, especially the wealthy and big corporations are more resourceful to help themselves and their country with grants, foundations, contributions, private and social programs that are much more efficient and cost effective (child care, counseling, scholarships, etc.) Pushing standards beyond the practical for safety, air, water, emissions, etc.

OTHER (not related via phone): 1) Too much fiscally? 2)A cabinet/staff that seems mostly inept/inexperienced (the blunders, Afghanistan, the border, etc.? 3) The questionable “Green Deal” carbon-free scheme for a better climate? Forget using natural resources? Condemn carbon dioxide? CO2 is nature’s beneficial gas that puts carbon into plants, which then emit oxygen into our air. Yes, it is heavier than air, so it will hold some heat. 4) No, we need to return to the three Rs, a tried/proven education (reading, [a]rithmatic, [w]riting). Sex education will make its own course. Certainly, young children should not be indoctrinated. Let the CRT, NEYE, etc. be optional at a liberal college (that’s critical race theory, never ever your fault philosophy). 5) The transgender ness has gone way too wrong. To allow indiscriminate use of restrooms/locker rooms/showers is very impolite/unnatural/downright harassment. The transgender guy competing as a female is very unfair and quite contrary to Title IX civil rights issues. 6) Now we have a president “kowtowing” excessively to unions and LGBT people instead of the majority (the voters). Must be big voting blocs (big-bucks contributors). 7) Too far left (liberal) or too far right (extremely conservative) is seldom for the overall good. And socialism can go too far. Look at California (has its own oil wells with refineries, yet the highest fuel prices (high taxes).

Errol Kramer

– Odessa-Ritzville


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