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IIG business agreement approved

ODESSA- The IIG business agreement was approved at the Town Council meeting on Monday, Sept. 12.

Steve Nelson, Lawyer Mark DeWulf and Public Works Director Anthony Paszkeicz and the Town Council have been reviewing the agreement for the past few weeks.

IIG will be in charge of laying the fiber optics, but will not be in charge of installing it to businesses and customers.

Mayor William Crossley addressed Brad Hawley through his wife Jamie Hawley.

“Tell your husband to stop calling and harassing my clerks.,” He said. “There is no reason for that. If he wants to call someone and curse, he can call me.”

Hawley apologized and said she did not know the extent of the phone calls.

“I was not aware of that,” she said. “I was under the impression he was asking questions.”

Town Clerk Meri Jane Bohn reported that the audit is still underway and they are still training on the new system.

She said the new system is not compatible with the older system and bill history will look different.

Police Chief Les Jimerson reported that he had 24 new cases since the last town council meeting, including two EMT cases and a dog at large that wasn’t tagged and resulted in a fine.

He reported two welfare checks, one of which resulted in a deceased person. Two fraud cases were reported.

Jimerson said the no contact violation case was almost completed.

Two suspicious vehicles were reported; one resulted in no insurance, while the other included a suspended license and no insurance.

There are also two new cases that are being investigated that he cannot elaborate on at this time.

A new fence was approved at 712 East Second Avenue.

A trailer parking permit was approved at 208 West Fourth Ave.

Paszkeicz reported that the pool was drained and the street sweeper was fixed.

He said prep for Deutschesfest is going well with weed trimming and various projects being completed.


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