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County budget nears finality

Department figures appear finalized

DAVENPORT—It’s budget season, and the “largest” local budget is that of Lincoln County. Rising medical insurance, risk insurance and other costs have made the 2023 budget a challenge to complete for the Auditor’s Office and county commissioners, but that budget is getting closer to finalization every day.

Chief accountant Rhonda Luiten shared department figures with The Record-Times and said these figures likely won’t be adjusted before the budget is finalized.

The costliest current expense item budgeted is Sheriff operations at $1,344,984, which is a slight decrease from the 2022 figure of $1,466,879. Other notable current expense figures include:

$1,090,700 to the Jail

$707,000 to non-departmental matters

$645,992 to Sheriff Administration

$604,783 to the Auditor’s Office

$581,513 to the Commissioner’s Office

$529,421 to Data Processing

$489,554 to the Assessor’s Office

$466,439 to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office

$441,332 to the Courthouse

$435,499 to the Treasurer’s Office

$426,298 to the Clerk’s Office

$388,556 to Information Services

$346,182 to District Court

$339,957 to Davenport law enforcement

$289,214 to the Planning Department

$229,211 to Superior Court

$180,000 to Wilbur law enforcement

$179,304 to Juvenile Services

$141,130 to the WSU Extension

The most hefty county budget is that of county roads at $14,933,052, an increase from 2022’s figure of $13,265,292. $2,429,552 is budgeted for public health. Other notable county budgets outside the current expense fund paid for in local, state or other dollars (e.g. grant funds) include:

$443,450 for the County Fair

$1,633,793 in coronavirus funds

$358,092 for Alcohol/Drug Services

$580,000 for Homeless Housing

$536,500 for Traffic Policing

$387,500 for Emergency Communications

$6,863,012 for Lincoln County Broadband

$317,398 for the Noxious Weed Control Board

$465,000 for Public Safety

$765,900 for Capital Improvements

$440,000 for Rural County Development

$902,520 for Solid Waste Management

$2,740,000 for Equipment Rental

$1,702,150 for Pits and Quarries

$694,000 for the Employee Self-Insurance Fund

$3,025,438 for Martin Hall Operations

Author Bio

Drew Lawson, Editor

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Drew Lawson is the editor of the Davenport Times. He is a graduate of Eastern Washington University.


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