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Odessa news briefs

Chamber Banquet event moved to Old Town Hall

ODESSA— The Chamber of Commerce had its first meeting of the year at Old Town Hall Tuesday, Jan.10.

The annual Chamber Banquet will be held on Friday, March 10, with the theme being "Roaring '20s."

Due to the community center renovations, the event will take place at Old Town Hall and occupancy will be at 150.

The upcoming Desert 100 StumpJumpers motorcycle race was one of the topics of conversation.

President Matt Roberson shared a proposed contract for possible ATMs for the annual event. The proposed contract shows four ATMs and the cost of each.

"I do not think we need four ATMs," Roberson said. "Maybe two."

The chamber discussed whether this proposal was possible due to the need for a hardwired connection and agreed to look into the matter further before making a decision.

Chamber Vice President Ed Deife proposed the Chamber spend more on Christmas decorations next year.

Roberson proposed that meetings be moved to 6 p.m. due to more people having a chance to attend.

The Chamber moved to approve the time change but agreed to look into the bylaws for flexibility issues if needed.

Hospital addition inspection agreement approved

ODESSA— Town Council met briefly to approve a hospital addition inspection agreement Monday, Jan. 9.

The inspection will be through Northwest Code Professionals and is out of Grant County.

Council revisited the town’s Airport Contract with a couple of clarifications; it was approved for a 3% tax increase in tie-down fees with the additional state tax at 12%.

Local Lynn Schmidt shared concerns over a broken water meter that hasn’t been fixed. Council agreed to see if they have the meter in stock to get it replaced.


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