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Notice of Application for Change

of Water Right to change the

point of withdrawal and place of

use under Groundwater Water

Right No. G3-00528C.

TAKE NOTICE: That on February

7, 2023, Deife, Inc. filed an

application with the Washington

State Department of Ecology to

change the point of withdrawal and place of use under Water

Right No. G3-00528C.

That said right, G3-00528C,

under priority date October 14,

1969, authorizes the withdrawal

of 2,200 gallons per minute and

1,660 acre-feet per year for

seasonal irrigation of 450 acres

from one point of withdrawal well

located 1,300 feet (ft) south and

1,300 ft west from the northeast

corner of Section 5, Township

(T.) 23 North (N.), Range (R.)

32 East Willamette Meridian

(E.W.M.). The authorized place

of use is Section 5 and the W½

of Section 4 less the SE¼ SW¼

of said section, both in T. 23 N.,

R. 32 E.W.M. and Section 32,

T. 24 N., R. 32 E.W.M., all less

roads and rights of way.

The applicant is seeking to expand

the PoU to include Section

5 and the W½ of Section 4 less

the SE¼ SW¼ of said section,

both in T. 23 N., R. 32 E.W.M.

and Sections 32 and 33, T. 24

N., R. 32 E.W.M., all less roads

and rights of way. The applicant

is also seeking to change the

PoW to two wells in Section 32,

T. 24 N., R. 32 E.W.M. There are

no changes proposed to the authorized

withdrawal quantities,

period of use, or purpose of use.

Any protests or objections to the

approval of this application may

be filed with the Department

of Ecology and must include

a detailed statement of the

basis for objections; protests

must be accompanied by a

fifty-dollar ($50) recording fee

and filed with the Cashiering

Section, State of Washington,

Department of Ecology, P.O.

Box 47611, Lacey, Washington

98509-7611 within thirty (30)

days from March 30, 2023

Published March 30 and April

6, 2023


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