Serving Lincoln County for more than a century!



Public Hearing

The Board of Commissioners of

Lincoln County Public Hospital

District No.1 d.b.a. Odessa MEMORIAL


Lincoln County, Washington,

has scheduled their Regular Board

Meeting for Thursday April 27th

2023 at 5:30 pm, which will be held

in the guild room. (Under Washington

State law, when the date and

time of a regularly scheduled meeting

are changed or held in addition

to the regular meeting, the meeting

is called “a special meeting.”)

Per RCW 70.44.062: All meetings,

proceedings, and deliberations

of the board of commissioners,

its staff or agents,

concerning the granting, denial,

revocation, restriction, or other

consideration of the status of

the clinical or staff privileges of

a physician or other health care

provider as that term is defined

in RCW 7.70.020, if such other

providers at the discretion of

the district’s commissioners are

considered for such privileges,

shall be confidential and may be

conducted in executive session.

Published April 13 and 20, 2023


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