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Birthdays and Anniversaries

Davenport birthdays

June 23: Libby Murdock, Dustin Jenness, Josh Warwick

June 24: Mike Hale, Emma Johnson, Patty Hupp, Linda Spencer, Callen Wynecoop,

June 26: Craig Deppner, Stephanie Zeiler

June 27: Cindy Warner, Darci Dennis, Kelli Wilkie

June 28: Mariah Liebing, Emmett McCowan

June 29: Ryan Slahtasky, Cade Hardin

Davenport anniversaries

June 24: Frosty and Jill Freeze

June 25: Tom and Jolie Sorensen, Glen and Nancy Reinbold

June 26: Brad and Kim Cole, Roy and Susan Alspach, Doug and Patti Ensor

June 28: Ethan and Lindsey Wynecoop, Darren and Kim Hansen

June 29: Kenny and Rachae’ Pearcy, Gr...


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