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that an application has been

filed in the office of the Board

of County Commissioners of

Lincoln County by Highline

Grain Gowers, Inc., a corporation,

requesting a franchise

amendment authorizing and

empowering the applicant to

enter upon the right‑of‑way

of certain county roads within

Lincoln County for the purpose

of relocating utilities; also the

right to construct and maintain

any and all other necessary and

proper appliances and appurtenances

in connection therewith,

over, under, upon or along the

right‑of‑way of county roads in

the County of Lincoln, State

of Washington, as set forth in

“Exhibit A” which follows:


Parker Road, No. 22100 within

the NW4 of Section 36, Twp. 22

N., R. 34 EWM; Hanson Station

Road, No. 94200 within the SE4

of Section 29, Twp. 26 N., R.

31 EWM; Douglas Road, No.

41100 within the S E 4 o f

Section 22 and NE4 of Section

27, Twp 27 N., R. 31 EWM;

Monson Road, No. 15280 within

the SE4 of Section 33, Twp 25

N., R. 31 EWM; NE4 of Section

4, Twp 24 N., R. 31 EWM; and

the SE4 of Section 33 and SW4

of Section 34, Twp 25 N., R 32

EWM and NE4 of Section 4 and

NW4 of Section 3, Twp 24 N., R.

32 EWM; School House Road,

No. 19110 N2 of Section 20,

Twp 26 N., R. 32 EWM; Halverson

Canyon Road, No. 49080

SW4 of Section 24 and NW4

of Section 25, Twp 27 N., R.

33 EWM; Addington Road, No.

64410 within the E2 of Section 4,

Twp 24 N., R. 39 EWM; Gravelle

Road, No. 63370 within the E2½

of Section 34, Twp 25 N., R. 38

EWM; Fancher Road, No. 63780

within the SW4 of Section 25,

Twp 24 N., R. 39 EWM; O’Conner

Road, No. 60120 within the

SE4 of Section 34, Twp 24 N.,

R. 37 EWM; Omans Road, No.

96190 within the SW4 of Section

6, Twp 24 N., R. 38 EWM;

Mondovi Road No. 96310 within

the SE4 of Section 9, Twp

25 N., R. 38 EWM; McCall Grade

Road, No. 59340 within the NE4

of Section 12, Twp 27 N., R. 36

EWM; Rocklyn Road, No. 92550

within the SW4 of Section 27,

Twp 25 N., R. 36 EWM; Irby

Road, No. 11750 within the NW4

of Section 31, Twp 22 N., R. 32

EWM; Mohler Road, No. 25440

within the NW4 of Section 7,

Twp 22 N., R. 36 EWM; Downs

Road, No. 20790 within the NW4

of Section 27, Twp 22 N., R. 35


Therefore, it is, hereby, ordered

by the Board of County Commissioners,

that a hearing on said

franchise application will be held

by the Board of Commissioners

of Lincoln County at their office

in the County Courthouse at

Davenport, Washington, on the

17th day of July 2023, at the hour

of 10:00 a.m.

Dated at Davenport, Lincoln

County, Washington this 20th

day of June 2023.

Chandra Schumacher


Lincoln County

By: Tara Holden

Clerk of the Board

Published: June 29 and July

6, 2023


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