Serving Lincoln County for more than a century!

Candidate for Odessa Mayor: Jeremy Smith

Age: 44

Employment/Business/Other Experience: My wife (Amanda) and I own the 1902 Coffee House. I am a Certified Handgun Instructor through CJTC. I was a Bail Enforcement Officer and Bondsman for 20+ years.

Community service: I volunteer as often as I can. I am a member of the Odessa Lions Club who complete many projects throughout the year inside the community. I am also a new member of the Ritzville Eagles.

Family: Donny Smith- Grandfather

Syd Smith- Father

Michelle Pries- Mother

Related to various namessakes by blood or marriage- Wraspir-Webley-Smith-Haase-Iverson-King

Question 1: What are your goals for your term and how will you implement them? One of my goals would be to secure a Police Chief for the city as public safety is a high priority for me. Also, since 60%+ of our population is elderly, I would also like to find way to help them, as I feel they have been pushed aside and forgotten. I would also like to see more community support for other activities and events in Odessa to help bring people in, which would help our small businesses.

Question 2: What is your take on the mayor's role in City growth? How involved should they be? I feel the Mayors role, in general, is very minimal in the aspect of decision making, growth, and overall authority. I feel it should have more authority- as the representative of the city, for the city. The city is almost completely landlocked which makes growth, on the ground level, extremely difficult. The only option we have is to recruit people and businesses to existing buildings in Odessa to ensure this city flourishes within the small confines we have available. Making it vital that property owners of commercial property are utilizing their properties to the fullest extent.

Question 3: How will you promote transparency and communication within the Town? Promoting a quarterly Town Hall, urging the people to come visit and detailing what is happening within the inner workings of the city. Taking questions and listening to the people. Starting a newsletter that gives the citizens a fairly detailed account of the actions I am taking as a mayor to better this city.

Making an effort for Council meetings to be attended by the people. To get involved and show the citizens that I am here to stay and this city means something, not only to me, but to all of us.

Disclaimer: The above questions were to be answered by candidates in 100 words or less. We didn't edit answers, other than to enforce the word limit. If candidates exceeded the 100-word limit, we only printed the first 100 words.


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