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County District Court offers second chance

DAVENPORT — Every Tuesday, Lincoln County District Court offers an opportunity for people to resolve outstanding misdemeanor warrants. Anyone who wants resolution can contact the court to set a time in the court, and walk-ins are welcome.

District Court Administrator Renee Honey said this program stems from a grant recently received by the court.

The National Center for State Courts with the Pugh Charitable Trust offered a technical assistance grant program for courts around the United States and District Court was one of only six selected for the program in the country.

Besides the misdemeanor warrant program, there are several other ideas that the court is implementing. For less serious offenses, the court will not issue an arrest warrant for the first time they fail to appear in court.

“We are trying to avoid people being hauled off to jail just because of financial issues,” Honey said. “It wastes our deputies’ time, and the taxpayers have to pay for it.”

Other ideas the court is trying to implement include working with the People for People Transportation company. They are hoping to get a People to People bus to travel between Spokane and Davenport on the day the court does the warrants resolutions.

Most of the misdemeanor offenses lead to suspended licenses and many people are from the Spokane area, meaning that transportation is an issue.

“This would be their opportunity to get out here to court,” Honey said.

The court is also looking into a virtual court opportunity and working with the Colville Tribe.

Last week, Honey met with local law enforcement and discussed the use of palm cards. At an officer’s discretion, instead of arresting a person on a warrant the officer can give out one of these palm cards providing information about the warrant resolution opportunity.


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