Serving Lincoln County for more than a century!




(July 10, 2023)





Daybreak Power, Inc.

Project No. 15088-000

Take notice that Daybreak

Power, Inc., permittee for the

proposed Halverson Canyon

Pumped Storage Project No.

15088, has requested that its

preliminary permit be terminated.

The permit was issued on June

28, 2021 and would have expired

on May 31, 2025. The project

would have been located at the

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s

Lake Roosevelt in Lincoln County,


The preliminary permit for Project

No. 15088 will remain in effect

until the close of business, August

9, 2023. But, if the Commission

is closed on this day, then

the permit remains in effect until

the close of business on the next

day in which the Commission

is open.1 New applications for

this site may not be submitted

until after the permit surrender

is effective.

Kimberly D. Bose,


Published August 3, 10, 17 and

24, 2023








Lincoln County is soliciting interest

from consulting firms with

expertise in bridge engineering

and drafting bridge plans. This

agreement will last until approximately

December 2025, with the

option for Lincoln County to extend

the timeframe for additional

time and money if necessary.

Deliverables need to be done

by June 1, 2024. “Request for

Qualifications” (RFQ) will be received

until September 7, 2023.

Consultants will be considered

for the following three projects.

1. Geib Bridge Replacement

Bridge No. B-72262

MP 2.55 to 2.75 on Geib Road

No. 43910

Federal Aid Number: BROS-


2. Gerald Zellmer Bridge Replacement

Bridge No. B-47021

MP 2.04 to 2.24 on Zellmer Road

No. 61240

Federal Aid Number: BROS-


3. Blenz Bridge Rehabilitation

Bridge No. B-53131

MP 1.66 to 1.86 on Blenz Road

No. 45130

Federal Aid Number: BROS-


Lincoln County reserves the right

to amend the terms of “Request

for Qualifications” (RFQ) or to

withdraw the RFQ at any time.

Project Description

The existing Geib Bridge spans

24 feet, and it carries Geib

Road over Corbett Draw. The

substructure and superstructure

of Geib Bridge will be removed

and replaced with footings,

cast-in-place abutments, and a

prestressed-precast multi-web

superstructure or voided slab

deck. Geib Road will be improved

from M.P. 2.55 to 2.75, and there

will be a construction detour for

the Geib Bridge Replacement.

The existing Gerald Zellmer

Bridge spans 25 feet, and it

carries Zellmer Road over Crab

Creek. The substructure and

superstructure of Gerald Zellmer

Bridge will be removed

and replaced with footings,

cast-in-place abutments, and a

prestressed-precast multi-web

superstructure or voided slab

deck. Zellmer Road will be improved

from M.P. 2.04 to 2.24,

and there will be a construction

detour for the Gerald Zellmer

Bridge Replacement.

Blenz Bridge is 29 feet long and

carries Blenz Road over Sinking

Creek. The existing steel girder

system of Blenz Bridge will be removed

and replaced with voided

slab deck and rail system. Blenz

Road will be improved from M.P.

1.66 to 1.86, and there will be a

construction detour for the Blenz

Bridge Rehabilitation.

All three projects are funded

by the federal Local Bridge


The work to be performed by

the Consultant for Geib Bridge

Replacement consists of designing

and preparing plans

and estimates for Geib Bridge


• Project Documentation (as

required, excluding items below)

• Hydraulic analysis to determine

100-year flow

• Design to accommodate three

feet above the high-water line

• Estimated total project cost:

◦ Geib Bridge Replacement:


• Preparation of plans and

estimates in concordance with

current Washington State Department

of Transportation’s

Standard Specification for Road,

Bridge, and Municipal Construction

• Have plans and chapter six

of the general special provisions

completed no later than July 1,


• Start construction no later

than June 2026

• Structural design of Geib

Bridge that is 28’ wide plus

barrier width and approximately

32’ long

• 90% Bridge PS&E

• Bridge Construction Schedule

• 100% Final Bridge PS&E

• Design and quantity calculations

for bridge

• Right-of-Way of Temporary

Easements if required for the


• Bridge Load Rating report

stamped by a professional engineer,

registered in the State of

Washington. (Paper, additional

electronic copy if requested)

• Preliminary Bridge Layout

(40% Submittal)

◦ Draft Geotechnical Report,

including boring logs and initial

findings (Geotechnical Subconsultant)

◦ Final Geotechnical Report

(Geotechnical Subconsultant)

The work to be performed by the

Consultant for Gerald Zellmer

Bridge Replacement consists of

designing and preparing plans

and estimates for Gerald Zellmer

Bridge Replacement:

• Project Documentation (as

required, excluding items below)

• Hydraulic analysis to determine

100-year flow

• Design to accommodate

three feet above the high-water


• Estimated total project cost:

◦ Gerald Zellmer Bridge

Replacement: $1,087,600

• Preparation of plans and

estimates in concordance with

current Washington State Department

of Transportation’s

Standard Specification for Road,

Bridge, and Municipal Construction

• Have plans and chapter six

of the general special provisions

completed no later than July 1,


• Start construction no later

than June 2026

• Structural design of Gerald

Zellmer Bridge that is 28’ wide

plus barrier width and approximately

28’ long

• 90% Bridge PS&E

• Bridge Construction Schedule

• 100% Final Bridge PS&E

• Design and quantity calculations

for bridge

• Right-of-Way of Temporary

Easements if required for the


• Bridge Load Rating report

stamped by a professional engineer,

registered in the State of

Washington. (Paper, additional

electronic copy if requested)

• Preliminary Bridge Layout

(40% Submittal)

• Draft Geotechnical Report,

including boring logs and initial

findings (Geotechnical Subconsultant)

• Final Geotechnical Report

(Geotechnical Subconsultant)

The work to be performed by

the Consultant for Blenz Bridge

Rehabilitation consists of designing

and preparing plans and

estimates for Blenz Bridge Rehabilitation:

• Project Documentation (as

required, excluding items below)

• Hydraulic analysis to determine

100-year flow

• Design to accommodate

three feet above the high-water


• Estimated total project cost:

◦ Blenz Bridge Rehabilitation:


• Preparation of plans and

estimates in concordance with

current Washington State Department

of Transportation’s

Standard Specification for Road,

Bridge, and Municipal Construction

• Have plans and chapter six

of the general special provisions

completed no later than July 1,


• Start construction no later

than June 2026

• Structural design of Blenz

Bridge that is 24’ wide plus

barrier width and approximately

30’ long

• 90% Bridge PS&E

• Bridge Construction Schedule

• 100% Final Bridge PS&E

• Design and quantity calculations

for bridge

• Right-of-Way of Temporary

Easements if required for the


• Bridge Load Rating report

stamped by a professional engineer,

registered in the State of

Washington. (Paper, additional

electronic copy if requested)

The Agency will provide:

• Topographic Surveys and

Basemaps in AutoCAD Civil 3D

format. (Survey limits for channel

shall be at least 300 feet downstream

and 200 feet upstream of

existing bridge).

• Project Permits and Environmental


• Utility type, size, and location

(if required) and coordination

with utility owner.

• Review, comment, and

approval of Preliminary Bridge


• Plan Sheet Border Format

• Cover Sheets with Vicinity

Map, Index, and Legend

• Roadway Plans and Typical


• Traffic Control and Detour


• Signage and Striping Plans

• Review and comment on 90%

Bridge PS&Es

• Review and approval of 100%

Final Bridge PS&Es

• Project Specifications and

Assemblage of Bid Packages

• Printing & Distribution of Bid


Geib Bridge Replacement has a

DBE goal of 13%. Gerald Zellmer

Bridge Replacement has a 13%

DBE goal. The Blenz Bridge

Rehabilitation has a 0% DBE

goal. These projects will be held

to Federal EEO requirements.

Evaluation Criteria

Submittals will be evaluated and

ranked based on the following


• Firm’s experience in similar

types of service (25%)

• Personnel’s experience in

similar types of service (25%)

• Qualifications of management


• Organizational capability


• Present or previous work

or services with Lincoln County

Public Works (10%)

◦ No experience equals

0 points

◦ 1 to 3 projects equal 5


◦ 5 or more projects equal

10 points

• Probable ease and ability of

the Consultant to coordinate with

project and county staff (10%)

• Familiarity with local and

project area (5%)

RFQ for Geib Bridge Replacement

• Table of contents

• Understanding of the anticipated

work and services required

• The intended approach to

providing the services

• A statement that the Firm will

meet the 13% DBE goal for Geib

Bridge Replacement

• The location, size, and description

of the Firm

• Names and qualifications of


• Names and qualifications of

the key personnel to be assigned

to the work

• Brief descriptions of similar

projects and services the Firm

has performed

• Previous work or services

provided to Lincoln County

• Other information the Firm

wishes to provide i.e., capabilities,

equipment, training, procedures

etc. (Please limit additional

information to a single (1) page)

• References: Provide a list

of at least three (3) references

who have personal knowledge

of the consultant’s previous

performance. The references

must include verified addresses

and telephone numbers, contact

persons, and a brief description

of services that have been provided

similar to those described

by Lincoln County for this project.

RFQ for Gerald Zellmer Bridge


• Table of contents

• Understanding of the anticipated

work and services required

• The intended approach to

providing the services

• A statement that the Firm will

meet the 13% DBE goal for Gerald

Zellmer Bridge Replacement

• The location, size, and description

of the Firm

• Names and qualifications of


• Names and qualifications of

the key personnel to be assigned

to the work

• Brief descriptions of similar

projects and services the Firm

has performed

• Previous work or services

provided to Lincoln County

• Other information the Firm

wishes to provide i.e., capabilities,

equipment, training, procedures

etc. (Please limit additional

information to a single (1) page)

• References: Provide a list

of at least three (3) references

who have personal knowledge

of the consultant’s previous

performance. The references

must include verified addresses

and telephone numbers, contact

persons, and a brief description

of services that have been provided

similar to those described

by Lincoln County for this project.

RFQ for Blenz Bridge Rehabilitation

• Table of contents

• Understanding of the anticipated

work and services required

• The intended approach to

providing the services

• The location, size, and description

of the Firm

• Names and qualifications of


• Names and qualifications of

the key personnel to be assigned

to the work

• Brief descriptions of similar

projects and services the Firm

has performed

• Previous work or services

provided to Lincoln County

• Other information the Firm

wishes to provide i.e., capabilities,

equipment, training, procedures

etc. (Please limit additional

information to a single (1) page)

• References: Provide a list

of at least three (3) references

who have personal knowledge

of the consultant’s previous

performance. The references

must include verified addresses

and telephone numbers, contact

persons, and a brief description

of services that have been provided

similar to those described

by Lincoln County for this project.


Submittals should include the following

information: Firm name,

phone number, and email; name

of person-in-charge, RFQ(s),

and number of employees in

each firm proposed to work on

the project.

Please submit THREE (3) copies

of your Statement of Qualifications


Dave Orvis

Public Works Director

Lincoln County Public Works

27234 State Route 25 N

Davenport, WA 99122

Submittals will not be accepted

after September 7, 2023. Any

questions regarding this project

should be directed to Dave

Sanford, Operations Manager,

at (509) 725-7041.

Americans with Disabilities Act

(ADA) Information

Lincoln County, in accordance

with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation

Act (Section 504) and the

Americans with Disabilities Act

(ADA), commits to nondiscrimination

on the basis of disability,

in all of its programs and activities.

This material can be made

available in an alternate format

by emailing Dave Orvis, Public

Works Director, at deorvis@ or by calling

(509) 725-7041.

Title VI Statement

Lincoln County, in accordance

with Title VI of the Civil Rights

Act of 1964, (78 Stat. 252, 42

U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4) and

the Regulations, hereby notifies

all bidders that it will affirmatively

ensure that in any contract

entered into pursuant to this

advertisement, disadvantaged

business enterprises will be

afforded full and fair opportunity

to submit bids in response to this

invitation and will not be discriminated

against on the grounds of

race, color, or national origin in

consideration for an award.

Dates of publication in the

Davenport Times: 8/10/23 and



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