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Peace Poster winners named

DAVENPORT - A.J. Alfante, daughter of Andy and Jocelyn Alfante, was awarded first prize for her entry in the Davenport Lions Club Peace Poster Contest. A.J., an eighth-grader at Davenport Middle School, was among 21 other seventh and eighth-graders to enter the contest this year which was themed "Dare to Dream."

Alfante's poster shows one side where a dove is pulling all the destruction, war and people fighting with aggravation out of the planet earth. The other half symbolizes the good side from the bad.

The dove is revealing what's under all the negative disasters. It reveals justice, liberty and peace to all the people in different countries and states around the world.

Visual Arts Teacher Kathleen Posey said that there were wonderful entries but Alfante's talent and time spent really put her peace poster above the rest. Her commitment to visualizing what the theme meant and being able to express her ideas made her the first-place entry.

Alfante's poster will advance to face stiff competition through the district and possibly international rounds of competition. The second-place winner is Brynna Hiler and third-place is Isabelle Falt.


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