Serving Lincoln County for more than a century!

Looking Back

100 years ago

Edward Appel of Waukon was fined $50 for killing a doe and Henry Dechenne of Waukon was fined $25 for concealing the evidence.

Lincoln County officers searched for three cars that escaped Okanogan County with loads of liquor.

Davenport and Mohler grade schools won spelling contests..

75 years ago

Auto traffic was halted by a 4-inch blanket of snow that covered much of Lincoln County. The coincidence of the day came when two Plymouth cars, both the same color and both driven by Schultzes, turned over in a ditch one mile apart west of Reardan.

Charles Linstrum of Davenport was elected president of the Lincoln County School Directors association.

Lincoln County Commissioners Albert Martin of Govan, Dave Webber of Odessa and Will Conrad of Davenport urged motor vehicle operators to purchase Lincoln County licenses for their vehicles to aide in gas tax apportionment.

50 years ago

Davenport city councilmembers considered whether a fifth well in city limits was necessary.

Harrington’s debate team traveled to Ephrata to compete, while also winning a debate in the opening round of District 7 League at Eastern Washington State College.

Newly-elected Mayor Omer Rew took office in Reardan.

25 years ago

A former Davenport police officer, Mike Sullivan, had his appeal of his firing was returned to the original Davenport Civil Service Commission after a refusal of review by the state Supreme Court.

Reardan High School sent four delegates to the National FFA Convention, including Ivan Meyen, Thor Peterson, Marci Schwartz and Chris Rodkey.

Four Lincoln County women were part of the local talent in the K/P Production of the “Sound of Music,” including Rollie Behrens of Harrington, Peggy Salo of Odessa and Karen Bernardi and Paula Steinolfson of Davenport.

10 years ago

21 cases of credit card fraud were reported around Lincoln County.

The Davenport volleyball team took home a fourth-place finish at state.

The 50th anniversary of John F. Kennedy’s death was noted.


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