Serving Lincoln County for more than a century!

Looking Back

100 years ago

Reardan residents petitioned Northern Pacific to improve passenger and freight service on the Central Washington railroad branch, with a specific request for a gasoline car service from Almira or Wilbur to Spokane.

• Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office deputies fired shots at a fleeing car containing two Reardan women who thought the officers were actually road bandits. The Sheriff’s Office had to settle the damages done to the car.

Davenport city council voted to pave Morgan Street from about Fourth Street to Eighth Street.

75 years ago

• Seven inches of snow fell in a day on Dec. 29.

• The prize gift at the annual courthouse staff Christmas party was an oversized “Sugar Daddy” sucker presented to Commissioner Albert M. Martin.

• World War II veteran Robert Hopp, Washington Water Power Company serviceman William Fleisher and Dept. of Transportation employee Otis Walters took over vacancies on Davenport City Council.

50 years ago

• Longtime Davenport leader, businessman and leader Cleo Richards died.

• Nine local girls entered to be Miss Davenport, including Cheryl Drefs, Celia Reinbold, Susie Meyers, Norene Reinbold, Julie Janett, Tammy Horwege, Mary Ressel, Diana Blackmer and Melodie Harrington.

• Stan Schwartz of Reardan was appointed to drive Santa’s Cheer Wagon at Fairchild Air Force Base.

25 years ago

• The Davenport School District hoped to target technology improvements without a bond, proposing a 3-year levy of $610,000.

• Rising water raised concerns around Lincoln County due to a heavy snowmelt, creating especially hazardous road conditions on gravel roads.

• Dan Berry, who at the time was the longest tenured Sheriff in Lincoln County’s history, had his term come to an end.

10 years ago

• The Lincoln County Commissioners petitioned for the National Park Service to better steward Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area in the event of future government shutdowns.

• The Washington Cattlemen’s Association partnered with county affiliates to discuss stream protection and water quality standards due to Dept. of Ecology notices that concerned ranchers and accused them of their operations’ potential to pollute streams.

• Brad Sweet and Merilla Hopkins were sworn into vacant seats on the Davenport School Board, while Heather Panke switched from the District No. 5 seat to District No. 1.


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