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Reardan council approves budget

REARDAN — Town Council unanimously approved a balanced budget for the 2024 fiscal year at its meeting Thursday, Dec. 21. The town is budgeting for $1,597,931 in revenue and $1,315,188 in expenditures which would leave the town $282,743 in the black.

In order to offset an expected shortfall in revenue that might have adversely affected basic town service levels, the council implemented a utility tax, which increases utility rates by $66 per month.

Resolution 203 increased water rates by $15, garbage rates by $24 and sewer rates by $27.

Resident Jennie Wagner voiced opposition about the timing of the rate increase as the Reardan-Edwall School District will ask voters to approve a levy in Feb. 2024.

“I am definitely worried about it passing with this rate hike,” Wagner said. “Realistically the town is not the largest percentage of voters but they are a good percentage of historically yes votes on school levies.”

“It has been quite a while since we’ve increased the rates,” councilman Clay Soliday responded. “The town’s expenses have gone up like they have everywhere.”

Soliday cited the cost of chlorine as an example.

“It has increased from $25 to $150 a barrel,” he said.

Predicted expenditures include:

• $429,128 to current expenses

• $20,400 to the library

• $66,601 to streets

• $250,688 to water

• $305,361 to sewer

• $61,771 to sewer improvements

• $181,188 to garbage

The budget did not include a wage increase for town employees.


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