Davenport birthdays
Feb. 16: Rob Harper, Molly Hale, Scott Cannon, Holly McDaniel, Tanner Zaugg
Feb. 17: Taylor Morgan, Sean Deane, Ana Wilkie, Phyllis Luiten
Feb. 18: Kaylee Leep, Doug Branch, Gary Phillips
Feb. 19: Sydney Schneider, Mackenzie Fisk, Leslie Johnson
Feb. 20: Brilee Madison, Karyn Lee, Christopher Briggs, Penny Strite, Brian Curtis, Wade Guhlke, Jeter Sanford
Feb. 21: Barbara Badgley, Caitlyn Katz
Feb. 22: Holly Branch, Sadahiro Patterson, Payton Critchlow, Greyson Wilkie
Davenport anniversaries
Feb. 16: Rob and Michelle Hopp
Feb. 22: Scott and Brenda Gamache
Reardan birthdays
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