Serving Lincoln County for more than a century!

Looking Back

100 years ago

• A jury couldn’t reach a verdict and was discharged after one juror maintained their opposing position in the case of Henry Scheel, who was charged with grand larceny.

Davenport City Council granted the Union Oil company a permit to construct a warehouse, garage, office building, pumphouse and four steel tanks where the North Central Highway crossed the Central Washington Railroad.

• Clarence Sherman of Downs and Bluestem was arrested in Ferry County on charges of stealing cattle.

75 years ago

• Betty Loud Studio took pictures of local babies to enter into the Spokane baby contest. She submitted photos of Don Reinbold, Joyce Adamson, Raymond Bisbee and Melissa Hall.

• Flood damage was threatened through Lincoln County, as schools in Harrington and Odessa closed due to mushy roads and rising water from a snow melt.

• Courthouse custodian Hoyt Carr was recognized as the first Lincoln County taxpayer to pay his taxes for the year.

50 years ago

• Judy Henderson, consumer specialist for the state Dept. of Agriculture, spoke at the Lincoln-Adams Consumer Conference in Odessa.

• Roger Lybecker of Harrington was appointed to fill a vacant Fire District No. 6 Commissioner position.

• The Town of Reardan began collecting garbage as a town service within town limits.

25 years ago

• Terri Ray gave birth to Lincoln Hospital’s first baby of the year, welcoming Graham Adams into the world with Tom Adams.

• The Reardan-Edwall School District pondered changing secondary school days from seven to six periods per day.

Davenport City Council approved a contract for four water line projects to replace old lines.

10 years ago

• Five FBLA members from Harrington qualified for State, including Ellie Hedreen, Colt Sanford, Madison Charlton, Kaeli Shockley and Kyla Simpson.

• The Reardan wrestlers finished seventh at the state Mat Classic in Tacoma.

• Reardan-Edwall School District officials dealt with chickenpox cases at school.


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