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Bargain Hunting

Series: Pastors Corner | Story 5

A favorite pastime of my wife and I is to go thrift shopping and bargain hunting. Whether we are on vacation, or in the city running errands, we try to stop. Why? We enjoy the hunt; we enjoy the anticipation; we enjoy the thrill of walking away with a “treasure” someone else didn’t want!

People have left thrift stores with famous works of art, valuable card collections, or even just a missing piece to the dinnerware or golf bag. They’ve left stores with a cartful of items they got 90% off of. Wherever they shop, the goal is to find a diamond in the rough without having to pay full price for it.

Once in a while this treasure is found in a yard sale. That is actually where I found my biggest treasure yet; $500 worth of Lego’s for a measly $50. Our two young sons at that time were certainly happy.

When we come across a bargain for something that we want, we happily lay down the cash. If we don’t find a bargain, we are content to let it go, but we have learned that sometimes you have to pay full price in order to get what we want.

That’s what Jesus did when it came to us. There were no deals, no two for one specials, and no discounts. He paid the full price. There was one asking price, and that price was firm. Jesus didn’t walk away from the table because the cost was too high.

The Bible tells us that the wages of sin (bad things we do) is death (Romans 6:23) and we are all guilty (Romans 3:23). That means we die physically, and we die spiritually. We cannot go to heaven when we pass on from this world. The only way we can have eternity in heaven is to have someone else, namely Jesus pay the asking price for our forgiveness.

I Peter 2:24 tells us “He Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree so that we might die to sin and live for righteousness; by His wounds we are healed.” No one else could meet the asking price for our salvation, so Jesus did. John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world that He have His one and only Son (Jesus) that whoever believes (trust, relies on) in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” The price has already been paid. Are you going to trust Jesus for your eternity, or are you waiting for someone else to come along and rescue you? That next shopper is never going to come along.

It’s springtime, a great time to find bargains. Remember the next time you are out looking one, be it at Walmart, the local grocery story, a thrift store, or even a yard sale, keep in mind that I wish you luck. More important to keep in mind, is that not everything comes at a discounted price. God paid full price for you because He loves you and you are worth it.

~Praying for revival,

Pastor Josh McLachlan

Heritage Church, Odessa


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