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Council tables law enforcement contract

DAVENPORT — City Council promptly tabled an agreement for an updated law enforcement service contract between the City and Sheriff’s Office Wednesday, May 22.

The current 4-year contract expires at the end of the year, making 2024 a negotiation year where the City must once again decide whether it will continue to contract with the Sheriff’s Office for law enforcement services.

The current contract states Davenport patrol area deputies shouldn’t transport or attend appointments of inmates being held by jurisdictions outside the city, which the county said limits the use of those deputies.

The county also commented on a portion that the Sheriff’s Office will share revenue associated with traffic stops performed in the city, which the county said isn’t possible outside of a city-run traffic court.

And the county also noted that the Sheriff’s Office doesn’t provide animal control for any municipality and are “happy to help with enforcement of laws and with potential animal problems,” but isn’t an animal control authority.

Without hesitation, Mayor Jonathan Chapman proposed to table approval of the contract, citing a desire to gain further information. Councilmembers agreed.

In other business Wednesday night, council approved:

• The 2024 Solid Waste Plan update.

• Chelsea Kieffer’s request for relief from water/sewer hookup fees at her 13th Street residence, where she is moving her hair salon business. Council gave a caveat that her home must now pay commercial rates.

• Accepted the cemetery building as complete.

• Approved submittal of the 2023 annual report to the Auditor’s Office.

• The first reading of an amendment to the Municipal Code in hopes of creating a curfew at Mountain View Cemetery. The amendment also allows three urns to be placed in a full-size lot, instead of two.

Author Bio

Drew Lawson, Editor

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Drew Lawson is the editor of the Davenport Times. He is a graduate of Eastern Washington University.


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