100 years ago
Deputy Sheriff Cecil Fisher led a party the raided the home of Arthur Haight near the Creston Ferry. Haight was arrested after a still, mash and moonshine were discovered. Mr Haight was released on a $250 bond and will appear for trial next month.
The Columbia Hotel, former centerpiece of social activities in Davenport, will finally be torn down after sitting in disrepair and abandonment for 5 years. The building was purchased by Senator Charles Myers. Senator Myers has plans for an automobile service station at the location.
Work has begun on a new bridge across Crab Creek on the North Central Highway at the Dobson place just east of Odessa. The work on the new concrete bridge is being done by a Spokane contractor and the work on the creek bed is being done by a state highway crew.
75 years ago
Odessa brothers, Harvey and Clarence Lenhart have taken over the operation of the Richfield station in downtown Davenport. The station was formerly managed by Wayne and Lyle Fisher.
The mobile chest x-ray unit will be at the Lincoln County Fair. Anyone who missed having their x-ray taken during the recent tour of the county may do so at the Fair. Of the 2605 x-rays done during the tour only 40 were called for a recheck.
One man was killed and 14 others parachuted safely to the ground when the far right engine of a B-29 bomber caught fire shortly after take off its Spokane air bsse. The plane crashed to the ground approximately half a mile west of Little Falls.
50 years ago
Now, anytime, day or night, you can dial a line at Edwall Grain Growers and hear the voice of manager John Mattox give you a 30 second recording detailing the current wheat prices.
Tiger football coach, Myron Kramer, reports 14 returning players from last season will be the nucleolus of this year’s team. A total of 29 players have turned out this year for what promises to be an exciting season.
This year’s Fair will feature two new buildings. The new 4-H building was remodeled out of the cow barn behind the flower section. The $14,000 facelift will nearly triple the room used by 4-H. The Lion’s club is also building a new facility that will be a permanent fixture on the grounds.
25 years ago
Wayne Badgley is retiring from the Davenport Fire Department after 35 years, 20 of which he was Fire Chief. Badgely announced his retirement to the city council at their last meeting. His retirement is affective at the end of September.
Diane Baye of Reardan was honored as one of eight teachers from Washington awarded the Washington Agriscience Teacher of the Year award. The program is sponsored by the National FFA.
The Washington State Department of Transportation has given the town of Odessa an ultimatum. If an agreement between the town and the County public works director isn’t reached by November 15th the state will drop the realignment project.
10 years ago
Harvest yields are down 30 to 70 percent from the five year average depending on who you talk to. In the two previous years yields were between 20 and 25% better than average. This year’s shortfall can be attributed to a cold autumn, an early freeze and a lack of moisture.
The Odessa VFW announced that its essay program will be starting with the new school year. This is open to all students in the Odessa/Harrington area in grades 3-12. There will be three different categories based on grade level.
The ALS Ice Bucket challenge hits Davenport. Several Fair board members, City Crew and Council members as well as Davenport’s royalty participated in different ice cold events.
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