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Muffins With Mom aids parental involvement

[Editor’s note: Last week we ran pictures of this event at school. Additional information about the event is provided here. An earlier event called Donuts with Dad provided similar activities.]

With the passage and implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), parent and family engagement has become a high priority for LAP and Title 1 programs. Research demonstrates that the degree of parent engagement correlates closely with student achievement. Districts are required to further involve parents through the use of better communication; work collaboratively to support academic progress, build parent capacity, provide professional development and use community resources effectively. The school hopes to continue to offer events that provide information and opportunities for parents and families to become more engaged in their children’s education.

Therefore, the school hosted a “Muffins With Mom” event on May 9 in the school cafeteria.

In addition to the muffins and beverages, there were handouts listing activities families can do at home now and over the summer. There were also games and activities for children to “Make, Play or Take” home.


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